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Budget and Deficit

October 8, 2013

5 reasons the GOP might win the shutdown fight

One week into the shutdown and it appears the predictions of an imminent Republican defeat have been greatly exaggerated—and they might even win.

October 7, 2013

Government Shutdowns Have Never Hurt the Stock Market

While government shutdowns have never cost the stock market more than a few points (and in most cases the market actually went up), the issue of the federal debt ceiling could have a significantly profound impact on the market. 

October 1, 2013

How John Boehner Blew His Best Chance to Defund ObamaCare

Speaker Boehner said he would return to “regular order”: if he had, the government-shutdown battle over ObamaCare would have had a much smaller impact.

September 26, 2013

Baum on Money: Showdown, Shutdown, Putdown

It's T minus six and counting to the government shutdown. The Institute for Policy Innovation put together some fun facts about federal government shutdowns.

September 24, 2013

Fun Facts About Federal Government Shutdowns

Government shutdowns over budget battles are not new, and they were often led by Democrats.

September 24, 2013

Health IT Integration for Medicaid Would Reduce Spending, Boost Access, Quality

States facing Medicaid challenges should integrate mobile phones and other existing technologies to increase access to care, lower costs and improve health care quality for Medicaid beneficiaries, says a new IPI publication, “Reforming Medicaid with Technology.” 

August 14, 2013


The dreaded and feared sequester has been a success. Policymakers should add blunt tools like the sequester as a backstop into every future fiscal agreement.

August 5, 2013

Believe It! Democrats Once Demanded Tax and Spending Cuts

After President John F. Kennedy failed to cut income tax rates, President Lyndon Johnson and Virginia Democrat Harry Byrd successfully pushed through the 1964 cuts in personal and corporate income tax rates.

July 16, 2013

Will Spending More on Border Security Achieve Its Goals?

The government has a right and obligation to secure its borders; but will spending billions of dollars more achieve that goal when the government is so bad at achieving most of its goals?

July 1, 2013

Tradeoffs and Tax Reform

With the number of congressional hearings on tax reform taking place this year, it seems possible that some part of the reform proposals being aired may eventually become law.

Total Records: 357