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Energy RSS Feed

Access to abundant, affordable energy is a key factor in economic growth, whether supplying the manufacturing plants of the 20th century or the server farms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the federal government has placed unreasonable restrictions on domestic exploration and development, and  foreign sources are sometimes actually hostile to our own interests.

New discoveries and innovative technologies have made possible the extraction of enormous new energy resources within the United States. The U.S. possesses not only enormous natural energy resources but also the technology to extract those resources in a responsible manner.

IPI believes that the United States should become as energy self-sufficient as possible, drawing upon a diverse energy base comprised of all possible energy resources. We believe that free people operating within a free economy using voluntary risk capital will out-innovate government-directed central planning funded by taxpayer dollars. The key to energy innovation is abundant capital, a tax system that rewards rather than punishes success, an intellectual property system that allows innovators to own the fruits of their research, and a regulatory environment that balances the needs of our economy with the protection of the environment.

August 19, 2014

The Environmental Movement Becomes a Bird-Killing Machine

Environmentalists are always concerned about the environment, except when they aren't. Just look at how many dead birds they tolerate for a little clean energy.

August 1, 2014

Anti-Fracking Laws vs. Property Rights

The growing efforts by state and local governments to stop hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to extract natural gas could end up in the Supreme Court—because they may unconstitutionally limit property owners’ ability to profit from their mineral rights.

July 31, 2014

Obama's Climate-Change Action Costs More Than Inaction

Obama will continue to spend significantly more than what he’s already squandered in the hope of avoiding a $150 billion economic hit that will likely never happen anyway.

July 11, 2014

North Charleston mayor joins wildlife, environmental groups in supporting offshore wind power

North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey joined environmental groups in calling for the government to take a leadership role in promoting offshore wind power.

July 10, 2014

Wind Energy's Future Faces Key Challenges

In “Challenges for Wind Energy’s Future,” Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., discusses how wind energy’s advancement proves problematic due to four key challenges, foremost of all its expense.

July 10, 2014

Challenges for Wind Energy's Future

The U.S. has spent billions of taxpayer dollars subsidizing wind energy. And while the industry is growing, it's expensive, unreliable and supplies only a small portion of the country's energy needs. Congress is backing away from its longtime support for wind subsidies, and given the growing availability of inexpensive fossil fuels for energy generation, that's the right move.

July 8, 2014

Obama Announces $4 Billion for Crony Capitalism, er, Clean Energy Loans

Even while President Obama seeks additional money from Congress for border security, his administration is giving away billions of taxpayer dollars to clean energy companies that the government likes, even though their success rate is abysmal.

June 26, 2014

Energy Could Be Pivotal Issue In Tipping Balance In Senate

While the economy will likely be the top voter concern in the November elections, energy may be a stealth issue that comes in second or third on many voters' lists.

June 20, 2014

U.S. Manufacturing Making a Comeback

Manufacturing has been growing stronger thanks to the U.S. energy boom and a steady supply of inexpensive natural gas.

Total Records: 351