  • Freedom
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November 3, 2014

Matthews: 'Bad News' SCOTUS Won't Hear Obamacare Subsidy Case

The Supreme Court's decision to pass on hearing - at least for now - one of the most important current legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act, King v Burwell, will only promote public confusion and create even more difficulty to make necessary changes should the Court eventually agree with King.

October 28, 2014

Has the IRS Become a Threat to Our Constitutional Liberties?

The IRS has gone rogue, threatening Americans' constitutional liberties. But don't blame the IRS alone; it and many other agencies are only following the lawless disregard for the Constitution and Bill of Rights provided by "President Pen-and-a-Phone."

October 20, 2014

Ending the Cycle of Casino Cronyism

IPI experts share concern that the Restoration of America’s Wire Act, which would effectively kill online gambling across the states where it’s legal, would allow the federal government to take a heavy hand in regulating the Internet, opening the door for increased Internet regulation in the future.

October 8, 2014

Another Study Uses Scare Tactics To Tout Climate Risk

Having failed to scare — or even convince — the public about the impending doom of global warming, a new group is trying to scare businesses into action.

September 27, 2014

Elements of a Republican Reform Agenda

Powerpoint presentation given by IPI President Tom Giovanetti to the North Texas Strategy & Victory Conference in Grapevine, Texas on September 27, 2014.

September 16, 2014

Businesses Report Cutting Jobs Due to ObamaCare

Businesses are cutting jobs due to ObamaCare, according to surveys by several regional Federal Reserve Banks.

September 15, 2014

The Time May Be Right to Salvage States Rights

“This is the biggest push back that I’ve seen in my lifetime," said Merrill Matthews of IPI. "There’s this growing sense that there are areas that are the purview of states, and the states ought to be allowed to do that.”

September 15, 2014

Crony Capitalism or Just Big Government Growing More Government?

The rent seekers have come running.

September 15, 2014

Muni Broadband Debate Focuses on Section 706 Authority

IPI comments opposed both petitions because a state has a constitutional right to use its prerogative as a state to restrict municipal broadband.

September 10, 2014

What To Do About The IRS: End It Or Mend It?

What can be done about a federal agency that has become despised, politicized and marginalized?

Total Records: 369