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Budget and Deficit

March 27, 2013

Okay, We Take It Back

Based on the Senate budget resolution passed early Saturday morning, we were better off when the Senate didn’t pass budgets.

March 19, 2013

Cyprus Is Just Proposing a More Efficient Way to Steal Taxpayer Money

Cyprus proposes a quick and efficient way to do what President Obama has already done.

March 13, 2013

Good Policy Is Still Good Politics

By showing that they are serious about restraining the growth of government spending, Republicans leaders have made themselves relevant again.

March 7, 2013

Ending White House Tours Instead Of Ending Medicare And Medicaid Fraud

I don’t know how much money President Obama thinks it saves by canceling White House tours, but we do have several estimates of how much Medicare and Medicaid fraud cost.  Typical estimates put the figure in the $60 billion a year range for each program.

March 5, 2013

The Most Truth-Challenged White House in History

Even the media are beginning to recognize that the White House and its minions have trouble recognizing—and telling—the truth.

February 27, 2013

The Sequester "Cuts" Are Not Even Really Cuts

Wasting $850 billion is just fine with the Government Class, but claw back 5 percent of it and it’s a zombie apocalypse—of course, since the federal government funded first responder training for a zombie apocalypse, we should still be okay.

February 26, 2013

Christie Latest GOP Gov to Say Yes to Obama's Welfare State Addiction

New Jersey's Chris Christie is the latest Republican governor to suddenly capitulate to ObamaCare after years of rallying against the program.

February 26, 2013

Defense spending will keep rising despite sequestration

Scary budget scenarios are flying over Virginia faster than F-15s over Afghanistan, but fiscal analysts say Chicken Little defenses are pointless, and off target.

February 26, 2013

Celebrate sequestration this Friday

An opinion piece by Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, lays out the case not only for celebrating the sequester, but for beginning to plan for the second round of it.

February 25, 2013

Sequester Is Cause for Celebration, Not Fear

Thanks to Washington’s failure to keep the growth of government in check or even adhere to any kind of rational budget process, the Great Sequester of 2013 should be celebrated, not feared, says a new IPI publication.

Total Records: 357