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September 4, 2014

IPI Urges FCC to Stay Within Its Bounds, Let Private Sector Work

The FCC should stay within its bounds and let the private sector work, said IPI in comments recently filed regarding the Comcast and Time Warner Cable merger review, and additionally in regard to two U.S. cities calling upon the FCC to overturn state laws regulating municipal broadband networks.

September 4, 2014

Dear FCC: The Power to Regulate State Affairs Belongs to the State

The FCC has no authority to sweep aside state law in order to promote municipally owned broadband networks.

September 3, 2014

Obama's Honor-nomics

President Obama’s complete inability to pass liberal legislation that actually works—or now to pass any legislation at all—has driven him to rely on the honor system in the hope that people will do the right thing in several policy arenas.

August 26, 2014

Comments to the FCC Opposing Federal Preemption of State Municipal Broadband Limitation

It would be unconstitutional for the FCC to preempt prudent state laws restricting municipal broadband projects, which have largely been wastes of taxpayer dollars,

August 6, 2014

Congress's Long and Sordid History of Handing States Money with Strings Attached

For decades Congress has taken the “carrot approach” to imposing mandates on them by making certain federal funds contingent on states agreeing to Congress’s demands.

August 1, 2014

Anti-Fracking Laws vs. Property Rights

The growing efforts by state and local governments to stop hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to extract natural gas could end up in the Supreme Court—because they may unconstitutionally limit property owners’ ability to profit from their mineral rights.

July 15, 2014

Free-Market Advocates Say FCC's Proposed Internet Regulations Are Unneeded, Harmful to Broadband Deployment Goals

Fourteen groups representing free-market advocates opposed to Internet regulation, filed comments with the FCC, calling on the Commission to delay any effort to issue "Network Neutrality" regulations until Congress has provided the agency clear authority to do so. 

July 14, 2014

Letter to Senator Thune Regarding STELA

IPI recommends passage of a "clean" reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA).

May 29, 2014

Left Wants EPA To Ban Chemical FDA Says Isn't Harmful

The Left can't convince the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to outlaw the chemical BPA, so it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to take over.

May 28, 2014

Consumers may find themselves searching more networks for medical care than ever before

States are wrestling with one of the key aspects of ObamaCare: keeping premiums low. But that also meant consumers had fewer providers to choose from, since the doctors needed to be willing to accept lower reimbursements.

Total Records: 369