  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


May 23, 2014

Consumers not protected by Michigan's outdated law

An outrageous law on the books in Michigan restricts the ability of Michigan consumers to resell event tickets as they see fit, and that specifically makes it illegal to sell a ticket for above face value.

May 15, 2014

Coalition Letter Regarding Net Neutrality

Coalition letter urging Congress to act expeditiously in expressing its understanding of the proper role of the FCC in regard to regulating the Internet, and urging the FCC to wait for Congressional direction.

May 15, 2014

End restrictions on ticket resales in Michigan

An outrageous Michigan law dating back to the 1930s restricts the ability of consumers to resell event tickets they have purchased. It’s a protection for teams and venues and a restriction on the freedom of consumers to enter into voluntary transactions with one another.

May 9, 2014

Libertarian Groups Attack Online Gaming Ban

More and more voices are joining the chorus of dissent towards the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (H.R.4301), the Sheldon Adelson-backed federal bill to ban online gambling.

May 9, 2014

As Capital Flees, England Is Texas, and the U.S. Is California

When Toyota announced that it was moving from California to Texas, everyone understood why. Because of its high taxes and regulations, California ranks among the worst states in the nation in which to do business. Of greater concern is the fact that the same thing is going on at the national level.

May 8, 2014

If Emma didn't only look to the left, she'd see young people can be priced out of work

The Australian cites Merrill Matthews: "There is an identifiable correlation between minimum wage increases and rising youth unemployment."

April 29, 2014

Group protests 'Wire Act' as overreaching

A group of 10 conservative and free market organizations co-authored a letter of opposition to the federal legislation backed by casino owner Sheldon Adelson that would outlaw Internet gaming in the U.S.

April 29, 2014

Free-Market Groups Voice Opposition to Restoration of America's Wire Act

Conservative and free-market groups voiced opposition to the Restoration of America's Wire Act, which would stop the expansion of online gambling. The act "is a broad overreach by the federal government over matters traditionally reserved for the states," said the letter.

April 28, 2014

Four Reasons Why Toyota Will Be Looking at California In Its Rearview Mirror

Toyota’s abandoning high-tax California for a business-friendly, low-tax state—as more and more companies and individuals in blue states are doing—makes good economic and political sense.

Total Records: 369