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Budget and Deficit

January 2, 2013

Steve Forbes: The Two Big (And Easy) Revenue Sources That Obama Is Ignoring

President Obama’s claim that higher taxes are necessary for more revenue is a sham. He has refused to use two easy ways to get more money–big money.

December 31, 2012

Why Boehner Lost the Fiscal Cliff Battle

Boehner never initiated a spending-cut PR campaign, so Republicans are hoping they will be able to get some cuts in the next round of fiscal negotiations. But it won’t happen until they learn how to make excessive government spending the issue.

December 18, 2012

Tax Increases Will Exacerbate Future Economic Downturns

Financial planners advise investors to diversify; but President Obama is demanding even more financial concentration.

December 12, 2012

How to Cut Spending

If people believe that government is too big and spends too much money, why can’t we build political support for spending cuts?

December 11, 2012

If This Wasteful Federal Spending Doesn't Make You Angry, You're Dead

Before Congress raises taxes it needs to cut wasteful spending; Senator Coburn has shown us were to start.

December 5, 2012

It's Really About Control

Calls for higher taxes on the wealthy are not really about “fairness,” but rather are about who controls and directs capital in our economy—capitalists themselves or government elites?

November 28, 2012

Papering Over Failure--with Your Money

Congress and the President have failed—utterly—to run a government that operates within a reasonable level that the American economy can afford to fund. When they talk about raising taxes, they are just trying to paper over their failures—with your money.

November 27, 2012

Where Are the Republican Spending Cut Proposals?

Virtually lost in the debate is that the more the government cuts spending, the less new revenue needs to be raised. 

November 7, 2012

Gazing Into the Abyss

The election was an opportunity for the American people to pull back from the abyss formed by all of these “cliffs” we face. But instead of stepping back from the abyss, it appears that the American people have decided take a step closer, lean forward, and gaze into the abyss.

Total Records: 357