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January 31, 2014

ALEC Comments to House Subcommittee Concerning Update to Federal Communications Act

Comments by Rep. Thoreson and Bartlett Cleland submitted to the U.S. House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology concerning an update to the federal Communications Act.  The comments are taken from ALEC’s Six Principles for Communications and Technology, adopted by the Task Force and Board in 2013.

January 29, 2014

Obama Should Leave The Minimum Wage Issue To States And Cities

President Obama wants Congress to give the country a raise, which is bad economics, bad policy and bad federalism. If there is going to be a minimum wage increase, then states and cities ought to set it.

January 27, 2014

Minimum Wage: Will An Increase Affect Your Growth?

Although economists believe that raising the minimum wage hurts young and low-skilled workers by pricing them out of a job, the move has public support. 

January 23, 2014

The Silver Lining in the Net Neutrality Decision

FCC Chairman Wheeler says the FCC will take action only “if something appears to go wrong in a material, not a trivial, way. . . .“ That would be a good policy for all regulators, not just for the FCC.

December 16, 2013

LETTER: Matthews is right on

To the editor: IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews is right on with his criticism of Greenpeace’s ridiculous Santa Claus video.

December 10, 2013

Bad Santa: How Greenpeace Conflates Two Myths into One Big Lie

Greenpeace releases a video of Santa lying to all the boys and girls about global warming.

December 3, 2013

Physician Plots Escape From 'Obamacare Noose'

IPI's Matthews noted Obamacare's expected 24 percent cut in Medicaid reimbursements coming Jan. 1. That issue has reared its head repeatedly, and each time Congress has stepped in to fix it by spending more money, but that can’t continue forever, he said.

November 19, 2013

Liberal Nanny-Statism Always Creates Problems for Liberal Nanny-Staters

Liberal nanny-staters pass laws or impose regulations to make the world better; but those efforts often backfire and create real problems for other nanny-staters.

November 18, 2013

There's another train wreck headed for the White House

There are a number of similarities between Obamacare and an energy mandate known as the "renewable fuel standard."

November 14, 2013

Is Tom Wheeler In for a Rude Awakening at the FCC?

Incoming Chairman Tom Wheeler should "nimbly" get the FCC going on the IP transition.

Total Records: 369