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Health Care RSS Feed

For all of the quality care it delivers, the U.S. health care system is one of the most dysfunctional sectors of the U.S. economy.  The government spends nearly 50 cents of every dollar spent on health care, most consumers are almost entirely insulated from the cost of their decisions, and employers decide what kind of health insurance their employees get.

But while the U.S. health care system begs for reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only exacerbates all of the current problems, promising to devolve into a price-controlled system rationed and micromanaged by bureaucrats.

IPI believes there are much better options: reform the tax treatment of health insurance; remove the state and federal mandates and regulations that make coverage more expensive; pass medical liability reform; and promote policies that create value-conscious shoppers in the health care marketplace.

October 31, 2016

Factchecking Obama's Recent Bogus Obamacare Claims

A look at some of the false Obamacare claims President Obama recently made in a speech to students at Miami Dade College. 

October 26, 2016

Premium Rates on Affordable Care Act Exchanges Rise 25% in 2017

The rise in premiums on the Affordable Care Act exchanges has led to a debate on whether to fix the ACA or repeal and replace the healthcare law.

October 25, 2016

The 25% Obamacare Premium Increase Vastly Understates the Real Increase

Health insurance premiums are exploding, but they would be much higher had health insurers not taken a number of mostly unpopular steps to stem the increases.

October 25, 2016

ACA Premiums Explode, May Lead to Single-Payer Under Hillary Clinton

The price of the most popular health plan sold through is once again facing a steep hike in 2017—this time by an average of 25 percent. Hillary Clinton will likely use Obamacare’s exploding costs, shrinking networks of physicians, and fleeing health insurers to make the case for what the left really wanted all along: a government-run, single-payer health care system. 

October 21, 2016

How a Public Option May Preserve Health Insurance Exchanges

There’s been a long-running concern that what the exchanges will ultimately be is the place where the people who are the sickest and need subsidies from the federal government will reside, said Matthews. “The question comes about – would even some of those people be able to buy cheaper insurance, even considering the subsidies, outside of the exchange if a death spiral initiates. If so, does that ultimately make the exchanges unworkable?”

September 28, 2016

VT Agency Wrongly Allotted $13M for Health Insurance Marketplace

More reforms may need to be implemented in order to strengthen state health insurance marketplaces and keep payers participating in the exchanges.

September 23, 2016

The Left's Secret Ploy to Subsidize Obamacare for Illegal Immigrants

In pushing through Obamacare, President Obama initially agreed that illegals would not have access to taxpayer subsidies. That was only a ruse to get the law passed. Now the left is moving forward with its real agenda.

September 14, 2016

UN Panel Blames Capitalism, Property Rights for Lack of Access to Medicines in Poor Nations

The mandate of the UN's High Level Panel on Access to Medicines assumed that patent rights are "incoherent" with access to medicines, which is a demonstrably false assumption. That's why the recommendations of the report, released today, would be harmful to public health rather than helpful.

September 9, 2016

Remember the Obamacare "Death Panel"? Hillary Clinton Wants to Bring It Back

The term “death panel” may seem like an exaggeration, until you are one of those who’s denied the life-saving drugs you need.

September 7, 2016

Will Telehealth Be Improved or Restricted?

Consumers and doctors should have the choice to find the right means of care that works best in each situation. Technology continues to make such tailored care a reality if not blocked by government.

Total Records: 693