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March 21, 2016

Donald Trump Faces The Real Possibility Of A Brokered Convention, Kasich Thinks He'll Get the Nod Over His Rival

If the business tycoon gets the most votes and delegates out of all Republican presidential candidates, he may still get stripped off the possible nomination by way of a brokered convention. “The notion that you go in with a plurality, therefore you deserve the nomination is just flat wrong,” said Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar.

March 20, 2016

History Suggests Brokered Convention Will Doom Donald Trump

Trump insists that the convention will have to pick him if he has more delegates than any other hopeful but short of the 1,237 majority needed to win on the first ballot. “The notion that you go in with a plurality, therefore you deserve the nomination is just flat wrong,” said Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Dallas-based think tank Institute for Policy Innovation.

March 18, 2016

Why Are Liberals Never the Swing Votes on the Supreme Court?

Judge Garland might have a great legal mind, but there is little reason to think he would be anything other than a reliable liberal vote—because virtually all of the Court’s liberals are reliable liberal votes, and have been for decades.

March 17, 2016

Donald Trump Could Very Well End Up Running As An Independent Candidate

Donald Trump’s loss in winner-take-all Ohio keeps alive the possibility of a contested GOP convention that denies Trump the nomination.

March 7, 2016

Here's Why the FBI Needs to Move on Hillary Clinton Soon

If there's going to be an indictment, it needs to happen before July. 

March 7, 2016

Bold Policy Reforms for the 2016 Election

Challenging times require bold reforms, but very few political candidates have proposed any. With this paper we try to fill that gap by identifying five reforms that would solve current problems, spur economic growth and return power and money to the states and the people.

March 3, 2016

Mitt Romney Attacks Donald Trump During University of Utah Speech

"I'm a content guy, " said IPI president Tom Giovanetti on Twitter. "Content of Romney speech excellent. Wrong messenger? Possibly. Will it work? Probably not."

March 3, 2016

Here's What Donald Trump's Health Care Plan Means for the Economy -- and Your Wallet

In true Trump fashion, this isn't exactly a magnum opus of policy wonkery. "The outline of his health plan is nothing more than an outline that is so thin that you can't really make any assessments of what it would do, because from the outline, it wouldn't do much at all," said Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar.

March 2, 2016

With President Trump, We Would Still Have Government Gridlock - And That's A Good Thing

There may be a huge divide between what a President Trump wants to do and what House and Senate Republicans are willing to pass—assuming they retain control of both houses.

February 23, 2016

When Will Republican Candidates Start Identifying Proposed Spending Cuts?

Tax cuts are nice but they are not enough. The government doesn’t just take too much money, it also spends too much.

Total Records: 550