  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


January 11, 2013

IRS To Employers: Pay ObamaCare 'Shared Responsibility' Or Else

As if the fiscal cliff, debt ceiling, higher taxes and a potential recession weren’t enough to scare employers, the Obama administration has just handed them one more headache: an IRS warning that any efforts to avoid the ObamaCare mandate to provide coverage or pay a penalty will not go unpunished.

December 20, 2012

Santa Clause Workshop

Over the last few years regulators seem to have been handing out gifts to those they deem worthy even as they bestow lumps of coal and switches to others who have not caught their fancy, most recently in Kansas City, Kansas. Call it a regulatory Santa Clause workshop.

November 29, 2012

Antitrust Troubling in an Innovation Economy

Just as competitors lobbied to have the government restrict Microsoft in the 1990s others are now lobbying to harm Google by trying to convince the iron hand of government to squeeze the company and limit its competitive abilities.

November 27, 2012

FTC Poised to Help Google's Rivals, Not Consumers

Who, or what, is being protected by antitrust actions? Not consumers. If they don’t like something, they won’t use it. Innovation still holds the key for our greater economic future, so long as government doesn’t get in the way.

October 4, 2012

This Cop on the Beat Is No Officer Friendly!

The dynamic communications market needs a good cop, one who works with the community rather than an FCC which works against it.

October 1, 2012

Obama Bends the EPA Rules When It Helps Him

The White House recently pulled out all the stops (including setting aside some EPA  regulations) to keep Sunoco's Philadelphia oil refinery open. But would they have invested as much time and effort if the refinery had not been in a swing state?

September 27, 2012

CA's Prop 37 a 'Scare Tactic' Driven by Marketplace Competition

Californians will vote this November on Proposition 37, a scare tactic being driven by marketplace competition rather than science that would reverse the benefits genetically modified foods have had on the state's economy.

September 13, 2012

Fed Quantitative Easing Won't Help Economy, But White House Regulatory Easing Will

While reports today indicate the Fed will spend $40 billion per month on bond purchases to boost the weak economy, with no end date set, Dr. Merrill Matthews says it’s not quantitative easing that the economy needs but regulatory easing.

September 6, 2012

The Cybersecurity Debate: Liberty vs. Expanded Government Controls

The federal government is lobbying for expanded government power to ignore some guaranteed citizen's liberties saying that is the only means to provide greater security for the U.S.

August 30, 2012

Time to Save Pro Football From Its Dangerous Girth

Imposing weight limits on professional football would result in a safer, faster, more athletic and more entertaining game played by people who have not spent their lives getting unnaturally large.

Total Records: 369