Supreme Court Hangs In Balance
The time for a litmus test has come, said Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas. “Republicans tend to say they won’t impose a litmus test, but it’s probably time to change,” he said.
If Donald Trump Becomes President, 6 Stocks to Buy
If Donald Trump were successful, multinationals like Apple, Google, they wouldn't have to try to use the tax system to hide their profits in other countries, IPI's Merrill Matthews tells The Street's Emily Stewart.
President Obama's Credit Card Abuses Are Much Worse Than Marco Rubio's
When low-information voters put Barack Obama in the White House, they provided him with a type of credit card—drawn on the U.S. Treasury, otherwise known as taxpayers. Yet for the past seven years the press has been singularly uninterested in how honest and responsible Obama has been with that financial trust.
You Can't Believe China's Government Data
For all its pretense to want to join the developed countries as an economic equal, China has never learned the lesson that competition, transparency and the rule of law lay the foundation for prosperous economies — and good business relations.
Huge Obamacare Premium Hike Could Cost Hillary Clinton The Election
Dsigruntled voters struggling to pay Obamacare’s exploding premiums or seeing their policies canceled could make the difference in Hillary Clinton's needed swing states.
RIP: Budget Sequester, 2013-2015
The budget sequester had a short but meaningful life. It successfully helped to control federal spending, which is why Democrats and many Republicans had to snuff it out.
Good Luck Trying To Figure Out What Ben Carson's Health Care Plan Is
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is doing well in the polls despite the fact that he frequently comes up with half-thought-out policy proposals. The latest example is his health care reform plan.
What Is a Democratic Socialist?
Bernie Sanders claims to be a "democratic socialist." Fortunately the group Democratic Socialists of America can tell us what that means.
Busting the Sequester Means Busting Any Claim to Being Limited-Government Republicans
President Obama says he will veto any budget that doesn't bust the sequester spending caps, and at least some Republicans are willing to do just that.
Boehner's Unforgivable Sin
One can be forgiven for trying and failing, but not trying is the unforgivable sin.