  • Freedom
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  • Growth


September 29, 2015

Donald Trump Steps Up With Strong, Pro-Growth Tax Plan

Trump’s campaign has embraced a populist approach, and his tax plan reflects that stance in his move to a more progressive personal income tax. But before he was a populist, Trump was a businessman, and his corporate tax cut reflects his business acumen.

September 11, 2015

Could the Iran Deal Be To 2016 What Obamacare Was To 2010?

President Obama and the Democrats ram through something that is widely unpopular with the public, has ZERO bipartisan support, and the White House must bypass the normal legislative process to claim it is law. Am I talking about Obamacare or the president’s Iran deal?  Yes.

September 8, 2015

The Republicans' Failed Attempt to Return to 'Regular Order'

The Republican leadership promised to return to regular order but failed miserably, making many wonder of the House speaker an Senate majority leader are up to the job.

September 8, 2015

The Email Scandal Refutes the Myth of Hillary Clinton's Competence

If that call comes at 3:00 a.m., do you want the person answering to be someone who can’t figure out how to manage two cell phones?

September 8, 2015

A GOP Candidate's Primer of Climate Change Answers

Climate change is one of the media’s biggest issues, and they are likely to make it very hot for Republican candidates who don’t know the facts or give them politically incorrect answers.

September 4, 2015

How Republican Candidates Can Survive the Left's Obsession With Climate Change

Climate change is one of the media’s pet issues, and they'll make it very hot for GOP candidates who don’t know the facts or give them politically incorrect answers.

September 1, 2015

Are Hillary And Her Friends Headed For The White House Or The Big House?

The FBI is looking into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and highlights 18 US Code 793 of the Espionage Act that the former secretary of state might have violated - a felony. With the FBI on the case, we may finally get some answers—and some indictments.

September 1, 2015

Walker, Rubio Present Plans to Repeal and Replace Obamacare

IPI's Merrill Matthews says Walker’s plan is a little more detailed than Rubio’s and focuses on people without employer-based plans. “Rubio wants to give everyone a tax credit, which is the right thing to do, but it’s very difficult to explain to the public. It also talks about expanding Medicare, but how do you expand Medicare and pay for it?”

August 28, 2015

A Conservative's Guide to An Article V Convention of the States

A number of state legislatures are investigating the “state application and convention process” to amend the Constitution. Here’s what conservatives need to know about that effort.

August 20, 2015

Is There Hope For Democracy In The Middle East?

Is the only way to control historic rivalries in the Middle East for a despot, whether elected or not, to keep a heavy hand on the population? 

Total Records: 550