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Technology & Communications

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Economists have long recognized that technological innovation and enhanced communication increase productivity and reduce friction in economic activity.  And never before has technology’s impact on economic growth been as evident as it is today.

At IPI, we focus on technology and communications policy not only because it’s critical to economic growth, but also because government’s inherent tendency to regulate prospectively poses an active threat to the economic gains and lifestyle enhancements made possible by technological innovation.

The communications and technology industries are among the country’s most competitive and the biggest capital investors in the U.S. economy, and are thus prime engines of economic growth and job creation. It is critical that public policy encourages continued innovation and investment in the tech sector, and that we don’t limit the innovation upside with counterproductive taxes and regulations.

August 16, 2013

New Ground: ALEC Conference Moves Forward on CDA, Considers Health IT, Data Privacy

ALEC wants to provide ideas of how legislators can act next, said task force private-sector Chairman Bartlett Cleland, IPI policy counsel. "It is critically important for the future of healthcare that state legislators start understanding what they can do and start to act, so we can drive down healthcare costs and get healthcare to more people."

August 9, 2013

A Permanent Ban on Discriminatory Internet Taxes

The moratorium, first enacted in 1998, should be made permanent.
August 8, 2013

Killing the Golden Goose, or Worse

Killing the goose to get the gold inside leaves one with only a dead goose.

July 29, 2013

ALEC to Consider Cybersecurity Principles, NAAG Opposition, at Chicago Meeting

The American Legislative Exchange Council will look at draft model legislation restricting warrantless cellphone tracking. "From the private sector, one thing we enjoy is a round of 'future think,'" IPI's Bartlett Cleland said, cautioning against focusing on the "tyranny of the immediate."

July 24, 2013

The Real Politics of Taxing the Internet

Comparing some of his positions to the polling data, Mr. Enzi might be better off if the voters don’t look too closely at his record, particularly his long time fight to allow state tax collectors to reach across state lines to force businesses in other states to collect tax for them.

July 18, 2013

Make apps part of health insurance

Health care could become cheaper and more efficient with the full integration of technology.

July 1, 2013

Industry Notes

Patent pools were designed to save innovators time and money by establishing cross-licensing agreements for specific technologies, but patent pools can be abused by exploiting the system to maximize profits

July 1, 2013


Patent pools were designed to save innovators time and money by establishing cross-licensing agreements for specific technologies, but patent pools can be abused by exploiting the system to maximize profits, said IPI.

June 13, 2013

Time to Stop the Wireless Tax Grab

The Wireless Tax Fairness Act, newly reintroduced this week, would put a five-year moratorium on any new state and local discriminatory wireless taxes.

June 12, 2013

Small U.S. mobile carriers oppose Samsung sales ban

A group of small mobile phone carriers in the United States has sent a letter to the U.S. International Trade Commission expressing opposition to a possible sales ban of Samsung Electronics' mobile devices in the country.

Total Records: 501