  • Freedom
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  • Growth


August 18, 2015

The Growing Support for an Article V Convention of the States

If you're fed up with the Washington stalemate, the best thing to do is get behind an Article V Convention of the States.

August 14, 2015

Clinton's College Reform Plan Gets A Big Fat F

There are so many problems with her plan it’s hard to know where to start grading.

August 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Higher Ed Plan A Pandora's Box Like Obamacare, Expert Says

Clinton's proposal, which would be paid for in part by taxing wealthier Americans and demands states pick up a greater share of higher ed costs, has many of the same trappings as Obamacare, according to Merrill Matthews, resident scholar with IPI.

August 12, 2015

How Hard Would It Be For Trump To Run As A Third Party Candidate?

Running as a viable independent or third-party presidential candidate isn’t easy but it’s doable—if you have enough money and a wide network of supporters. And Donald Trump has both.

August 7, 2015

IRS: If You Like Your Religious Liberty You Can Keep It -- For Now

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen says that, as far as the IRS is concerned, the First Amendment guarantee of religious freedom is not threatened by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which requires states to recognize same-sex marriages. But for how long?

July 31, 2015

Supreme Court Decisions 2015: Republicans, Democrats Unhappy With Justices, But Why?

IPI's Tom Giovanetti said many Republicans feel the Supreme Court, with its conservative majority, has failed them. “A big part of conservative strategy over the years has been the importance of controlling the White House in order to get Republican-appointed judges. That was the justification for turning out and to vote, even if you don’t like the candidate. The Republicans are upset because they feel as if that strategy hasn’t worked.” 

July 24, 2015

How Barack Obama Helped Create Donald Trump

When a president takes us too far in one direction, they start to swing back in the opposite direction—at least temporarily. Trump happens to be the brashest and most outlandish Obama critic, which allows him to take advantage of public discontent.

July 17, 2015

Dump The Sham Distinction Between Campaign and Super PAC Money

As long as government is involved in every aspect of our lives, then there will be a lot of money thrown at campaigns, especially presidential elections. Every time liberals try to stop it, people come up with a way around the restriction.

July 6, 2015

Bernie Sanders Is Polling As Well Against Hillary Clinton As Barack Obama Did In 2008

Hillary Clinton shouldn't take for granted she's got the Democratic nomination in the bag. Bernie Sanders, a self-described Socialist, is doing as well against Clinton in the polls as Obama was back in the 2008 election cycle.

June 29, 2015

Is Obama A Deceiver? Or Is He Just Being Deceived?

Surely one of the most debated questions for historians after President Barack Obama’s eight years of economic and foreign policy mismanagement will be whether he was a deceiver or just deceived.

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