We've Found The Source Of Human-Caused Global Warming: Data Manipulation
Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) manipulated the raw data from global temperatures.
It's Time We Gave Every Law a Time Limit
Insisting on sunset clauses would be a significant structural improvement in the function and efficiency of government at all levels, and would protect Americans from an ever-spreading snarl of outdated laws and regulations, administered by a government incompetent enough to allow them to accumulate in the first place.
Democrats Run The Cities With The Highest Violent Crime Rates
Do cities with high crime rates tend to vote for Democratic mayors, or do the policies and practices of Democratic mayors tend to lead to high crime rates?
A Huge "Apathy Gap" Between Hillary And The Republican Candidates
Only a relatively small number of people are actually excited that Hillary Clinton is running and will likely be the Democratic presidential nominee.
Republican Presidential Candidates Should Shun Populism, But Some Aren't
Populist politicians stand against every thing that conservative and libertarian politicians stand for—limited government and the rule of law.
With Bernie Sanders Running, Can We All Agree That The Democratic Party Is the Socialist Party?
Democrats used to get annoyed when critics accused President Obama of being a socialist. Not so with Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton Makes More in One Speech Than Most CEOs in a Year
History has seen a long list of political demagogues who talk about the evils of capitalism and helping the poor while living in the lap of luxury—and picking taxpayers’ pockets to stuff their own.
Good News for Conservatives (and Liberals) on Earth Day
April 22 marks the 45th Earth Day and those concerned about the earth and its environment have much to celebrate.
Attempts to Stifle Debate By Far-Left House Members Are Reminiscent of McCarthy Era
Are congressional progressives misusing their office to scapegoat climate-change deniers?
Chris Christie Proves He Can Redistribute Money Like Barack Obama
Christie was in New Hampshire this week testing the presidential waters and decided to roll out a Social Security reform plan: Take money away from wealthier seniors and give it to lower-income seniors.