Matthews Available for Coverage of Supreme Court Health Care Law Decision
Dr. Merrill Matthews, IPI health care expert, is available for interview to offer analysis throughout ongoing coverage of the historic Supreme Court decision regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, expected next week.
Federalism: The Founders' Formula for Freedom
Most governments at the time of the Constitutional Convention were unitary governments, in which power was centralized. The U.S., by contrast, adopted a system of confederal power, balancing power between two complementary but separate strands—one horizontal and one vertical. Our country is at a crossroads. A recent poll found that four out of five Americans don’t trust Washington. Americans are ready for change—real change that gives them, not Washington, greater control over their own lives.
A Citizen's Guide to the Tenth Amendment
Understanding the role and purpose of the Tenth Amendment is absolutely critical to maintaining the kind of government and country the Founding Fathers intended.