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November 11, 2014

Obamacare as Metaphor for Obama

The rollout of Obamacare had a lot in common with the "rollout" of Barack Obama's presidency. Both encouraged high expectations, promised impressive deliverables, and tried to reinstill faith in big government. And both utterly failed.

November 11, 2014

Obama's Vetoed The Fewest Number of Bill in 160 Years -- But Why?

Obama has vetoed exactly two bills in six years, according to a summary of vetoed bills tracked by the U.S. Senate. By contrast, Bill Clinton vetoed 37 bills.

November 5, 2014

Oops! Texas Is Getting Redder, Not Bluer

One of the biggest disappointments for Democrats had to be Texas. They had boots on the ground, lots of money, a believable narrative, great candidates and big hopes for a blue future—and Texas got even redder.

November 4, 2014

The Real Culprit Behind Voter Suppression Is Voter Apathy

Voter turnout will likely be low in this mid-term election; only a little more than a third of voters will take the time and effort to vote. But it will have nothing to do with voter ID laws or voter suppression and everything to do with apathy.

November 3, 2014

If You Do Not Currently Live In A Red State, You Probably Will Soon

Voters around the country are concluding “it’s better to be red than dead”—applying a whole new, and much better, meaning to an old phrase. 

October 28, 2014

Has the IRS Become a Threat to Our Constitutional Liberties?

The IRS has gone rogue, threatening Americans' constitutional liberties. But don't blame the IRS alone; it and many other agencies are only following the lawless disregard for the Constitution and Bill of Rights provided by "President Pen-and-a-Phone."

October 26, 2014

Is Harry Reid a Human Shield for Obama?

Reid’s sole purpose has been to protect Obama from having to make difficult political and legislative decisions. That protection racket would come to an end with a Republican Senate.

October 22, 2014

Here Are 4 Republican "Women of War" Who Trump Democrats' "War on Women"

Meet four female GOP candidates who not only survived but thrived, without Obama’s help, in the quintessential male-dominated profession—the military.

October 19, 2014

Democrats Will Blame An Election Day Thumping On Voter ID Laws

If Democrats take a real beating at the polls on November 4, they won’t blame President Obama’s failed economic policies, disregard for the U.S. Constitution, or Obamacare—at least not publicly. They will likely accuse the GOP of suppressing voter turnout by pushing voter ID laws.

October 7, 2014

Denton Drilling Opponents Funded By Non-Local Environmental Extremist Groups

Reports released today indicate most of the funding for proponents of the Denton drilling ban have originated from non-local environmental extremist groups.

Total Records: 550