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Health Care RSS Feed

For all of the quality care it delivers, the U.S. health care system is one of the most dysfunctional sectors of the U.S. economy.  The government spends nearly 50 cents of every dollar spent on health care, most consumers are almost entirely insulated from the cost of their decisions, and employers decide what kind of health insurance their employees get.

But while the U.S. health care system begs for reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only exacerbates all of the current problems, promising to devolve into a price-controlled system rationed and micromanaged by bureaucrats.

IPI believes there are much better options: reform the tax treatment of health insurance; remove the state and federal mandates and regulations that make coverage more expensive; pass medical liability reform; and promote policies that create value-conscious shoppers in the health care marketplace.

June 25, 2015

Court's Ruling Lets Public Decide On Obamacare Repeal & Replace

Today’s Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare’s federal subsidies may be a disappointment, but it paves the way for the American people and the legislative branch to appropriately have the final say on changing or repealing the health care law.

June 24, 2015

Decision For King Paves Way For More Affordable Health Care Plans, $700 Billion In Taxpayer Savings

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon release its decision regarding King vs. Burwell. A win for King won’t kill the law, but could make it largely unworkable in 34 states. But a win would also mean taxpayers would save an estimated $700 billion from fewer subsidies, and insurance companies may offer limited-benefit plans to help full the coverage gap. 

June 16, 2015

Latest Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare Looms

Obamacare opponents see a potential silver lining in a Supreme Court decision that would end tax credits for many of those using the federal marketplace. To fill the coverage gap, insurance companies might look to sell bare-bones "limited-benefit" plans that don't meet Obamacare's minimum coverage requirement but are less expensive, suggested Merrill Matthews. 

June 16, 2015

Will A Decision For King Bring Health Care Stocks Crashing Down?

Health care stocks have been one of the best performing sectors over the past several years, especially thanks to Obamacare. But if plaintiffs win in King v. Burwell, will that decision send health care stocks into a tailspin?

June 12, 2015

Does Obama Want To Kill Obamacare?

As strange as it may sound, President Obama’s recent statements give the impression that he’s willing to let his health care law go on life support—if he can claim Republicans pulled the plug. 

May 29, 2015

Obamacare's Problems Are Making Nurses and PAs The Big Winners In Health Care Reform

There are winners and losers in President Obama’s effort to remake the U.S. health care system, and two of the big winners are nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs). Both will get to do more and make more in the new health care landscape. 

May 25, 2015

Almost Half of State Health Insurance Exchanges Are Fighting For Survival

Several mostly blue states jumped on the health insurance exchange bandwagon as a way of showing support for Obamacare, says IPI's Merrill Matthews, and something similar happened in 1993 and 1994 with Clintoncare, Matthews says. “Those universal-coverage dreams turned into financial nightmares, and every one of those states eventually dramatically modified, scaled down, or eliminated their plans,” Matthews said.

May 24, 2015

Government-Subsidized Third-Party Payer Great Recipe To Make A Sector Of The Economy More Expensive, Less Efficient

Writing for the Institute for Policy Innovation, Merrill Matthews has a must-read article about an unintended consequences of Obamacare. He starts with a very sensible point about the effect of third-party payer.

May 15, 2015

Assurant Health Falls Victim to Obamacare's Sweeping Regulations

Merrill Matthews says AH’s struggles are unfortunate but were predicted by nearly everyone—except the company’s CEO.

May 14, 2015

Insurer Expands Global Payment System in Massachusetts

“The whole goal of Blue Cross is to go to a global budget with fixed prices,” Matthews said, adding that there is nothing wrong with a global budget as long as the prices are being set by the provider, but in this case the prices are being set by Blue Cross and the hospitals.

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