Big Rise In Health Care Premiums In Time For Midterm Races
Just in time for the November elections. News about your health insurance premiums that could affect your vote, and the votes of American everywhere.
For Demanding Accountability, Rick Perry Could Get 99 Years
The abuse-of-power indictment against Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry is beyond bizarre.
VIDEO: Political Uproar in Texas Over Gov. Rick Perry
What are the political implications of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's recent indictments? IPI's Merrill Matthews tells Fox News it may actually bolster Perry's presidential aspirations.
Perry Indictment Could Boost White House Chances
Instead of being a millstone, the indictment may turn out to be a badge of honor
Four Reasons Rick Perry's Indictment Could Boost His Presidential Chances
Texas Governor Rick Perry’s indictment could help his presidential prospects if voters see his actions as an effort to stand up for principle and public accountability.
Calculating the Incalculable Cost of Iraqi Nation Building
As Iraq melts down it might be instructive, if painful, to remember just how much we have spent, and will spend, in blood and treasure nation building in that collapsing country.
The U.S. Doles Out Financial Aid to 96 Percent of All Countries
The U.S. provides foreign aid to nearly every country, even those that don't like us very much. Is it time to rethink that strategy?
These GOP Women, If Elected, Will Shake Up Congress--and Democrats
If these three Republican women win their elections in November, there will be a “war of women” when they start shaking up Congress. They are accomplished and knowledgeable in areas where our current president is severely lacking: the health care system, fiscal responsibility and the military.
What Else Are Obama's "Confidence Men" Not Telling Us?
President Obama expressed his “full confidence” Friday in CIA Director John Brennan, which follows yet again the president’s pattern of defending his “confidence men” against charges and revelations of incompetence, corruption and intentional misstatements.
The Minimum Wage Debate Isn't About Helping the Poor
Most economists believe that minimum wage increases actually cost jobs—either directly or in fewer jobs becoming available—among the very people the increase is supposed to help.