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Tax Reform

Tax Reform RSS Feed

Taxes directly affect Americans by compelling them to surrender part of their income to the government, and indirectly since the taxing power can positively or negatively affect economic growth.

In the U.S., our tax regimes are in serious need for reform, both at the state and federal level. Our tax code fails to sufficiently incentivize investment, the primary driver of economic growth. And it hobbles U.S. companies as they compete internationally.

IPI believes that the purpose of taxes is to raise the revenue necessary to fund the legitimate functions of government while imposing the least possible impact upon the functioning of the economy. We therefore believe that taxes should be simple, transparent, neutral, territorial and competitive.

Because of its tremendous potential to stimulate real long-term economic growth, tax reform should be a top priority of policymakers.

April 7, 2014

The Impact of Tax Reform on Middle Market Business

In a survey, 63 percent said that corporate tax issues were highly or somewhat challenging. It's easy to see why tax reform is crucial to the middle market's fortunes.

March 28, 2014

Extend, Then Reform

Pass the tax extenders and then let's get serious about fundamental tax reform.

March 19, 2014

Playing To Win or Playing Not To Lose?

The GOP was handed an opportunity in the form of Congressman Camp’s tax reform proposal. But since its introduction the impulse to simply play to not lose has taken over many in the GOP.

March 12, 2014

Keep the Web Free of New Taxes and Regulations

Governments at the state, federal and global levels must recognize a decentralized and self-governed Internet is the best way to encourage more innovation and opportunity on the Web.

March 5, 2014

A Tax Code for the 6 Percent

Rasmussen recently released a survey revealing that a mere 6 percent of those surveyed thought the U.S. has the best tax system in the world.  They are wrong.

February 26, 2014

At Long Last, Talking About Fundamental Tax Reform

We’re long overdue to be talking about fundamental tax reform. Congressional leadership and President Obama should get on-board.

February 21, 2014

Tax Reform Principles and Proposals

In the presentation, Tom Giovanetti outlines the differences and merits of the Flat Tax and Fair Tax proposals.

February 5, 2014

Sweet 16

The time is now for Congress to recognize that a permanent moratorium has come of age and mark the occasion by saying goodbye forever to discrimination.

February 3, 2014

The IRS Budget's Been Cut, But Not Nearly Enough

Sweeping tax reform that would establish a low, flat tax or even a national sales tax, would allow us to dramatically shrink the IRS.

Total Records: 633