Should Republicans Rubber Stamp Obama's $3.7 Billion Border Funding Request?
Obama has urged House Republicans to immediately pass his $3.7 billion special funding request. But before Republicans do anything, they should ask some serious questions.
Obama's Wrong; The Economy Is Improving Because Of Congressional Deadlock
The economy is improving precisely because Obama and Congress are deadlocked.
Conservatives' dilemma: Sue Obama or impeach him - or a third option?
To pushback against executive power grabs without impeaching a sitting president, the legislative branch could simply exercise its power of the purse.
The Growing Income Inequality That Apparently Doesn't Exist
President Obama claims that income inequality has been growing dramatically. But government statistics show that there has been very little increase, indicating the issue may be more political than real.
Energy Could Be Pivotal Issue In Tipping Balance In Senate
While the economy will likely be the top voter concern in the November elections, energy may be a stealth issue that comes in second or third on many voters' lists.
Run, Jeb, run!
A Jeb Hensarling leadership role could reignite principled conservatism in Congress.
Sen. Paul's Effort to Force Ex-felon Voting Rights May Contradict Federalism
Sen. Paul plans to introduce legislation allowing ex-felons to vote in federal elections. But the Constitution leaves voter eligibility up to the states, not Congress.
With Cantor Gone, GOP Would Be Wise To Let Ex-Im Expire
The most significant issue affected by Cantor’s loss is one that has become a symbol for the dispute between pro-business and pro-market conservatives, writes Tom Giovanetti in the Dallas Morning News.
Congress Won't Drastically Change The VA Because Too Many Benefit From The Status Quo
At best, all Congress and the administration will likely do—if they do anything—is tweak around the edges.
Obama travels to unfriendly political territory -- a U.S. military base
While Obama should be commended for visiting the troops, surveys show he was not among his biggest supporters.