  • Freedom
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  • Growth


May 20, 2014

As Americans Go to the Polls, What Do the Polls Say About America?

A new Politico poll shows that Americans are concerned about what Democrats want them to ignore, and don't care about want Democrats want to stress.

May 14, 2014

What the Veterans Administration scandal tells us about Obamacare

Americans should be paying close attention to the emerging healthcare scandal in the Veterans Administration (VA), because it’s a preview of what we will all be experiencing soon under Obamacare.

May 1, 2014

Where Gun Rights and Voting Rights Converge

If the Left insists it’s both reasonable and constitutional to require a photo ID to buy a gun, then it should be reasonable and constitutional to require one for voting.

May 1, 2014

Rescue Consumers from Internet Tax Now

The number of working days remaining in the current congressional session, is quickly dwindling. On the must-do list should be protecting the Internet from multiple or discriminatory taxes, a process Congress began in 1998.

April 27, 2014

Democrats Say Ed Gillespie's Book Promoted Individual Mandates

Merrill Matthews writes in Forbes that a passage in Gillespie’s book amounts to an "anti-mandate approach," and was endorsing an unsuccessful proposal President George W. Bush made one year later offering tax breaks to insured households.

April 8, 2014

What's happening in Ukraine and Venezuela won't happen in the U.S.

There are reasons why Americans won’t give up their guns, and Ukraine and Venezuela are two of them. Widespread gun ownership doesn’t guarantee the population remains free, but a lack on them opens the door for repression.

April 1, 2014

Health Insurance Mandate's So Unpopular Democrats Are Accusing Republicans of Supporting It

It’s telling that Democrats are accusing Republicans of supporting what they passed and are now running from.

March 25, 2014

Five Facts About the 'Equal Pay for Equal Work' Campaign

Democrats want to make what's known as the gender pay gap an issue. But economists point out that when relevant factors are considered, there is little of no gap between men' and women's wages.

Total Records: 548