The Red State-Blue State Divide on Getting People Back to Work
Red states are doing much better at reducing the rate of unemployment than blue states, largely because they shun the president's economic policies. Ironically, by doing so they lower the national unemployment rate making the president look better.
Hillary Clinton's dilemma: Embrace or shun Obama's policies
Because Hillary is tied at the hip to Obama and his far-left vision, she can’t afford to shun his policies. But if she wants to win, she can’t afford not to.
To Get and Keep a Conservative Congress, Forget Term Limits
During primary season, conservatives are likely to hear candidates claiming that they support term limits. But if conservatives want to take control of Congress and keep it, they should abandon the idea.
Republican presidential hopefuls: Tell us what parts of Obamacare you'll postpone
If Obama can unilaterally decide to postpone parts of Obamacare, so can a Republican president. So Republican presidential hopefuls should begin identifying which parts of Obamacare they will unilaterally postpone if elected president.
If Obama Has Evidence of Pay Discrimination, He Should Produce It
President Obama is hawking the discredited claim that there is widespread pay discrimination between men and women. If he has evidence of pay discrimination, he needs to produce it.
Has Obama Violated All 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights?
How many of these protections to our liberties have President Obama and his administration violated or tried to restrict?
Selected Constitutional Issues Presentation to Denton County GOP
Presentation given by IPI President Tom Giovanetti at a gathering by the Denton County GOP in celebration of Lincoln-Reagan Day.
Five Ways Republicans Can Force Obama to Rethink His Executive Order Power Grab
President Obama is waving the red cape in front of the American people, threatening to push the limits of executive action if the GOP doesn’t give him what he wants. Republicans should call his threat and defend the Constitution's legislative process.
Republicans Get Painful News on Brand Problem
“A growing number of conservatives, and especially tea partyers and libertarian-leaning Americans, have decided that their commitment is more to ideology than political party,” said Merrill Matthews of IPI. “And while they will likely vote Republican in most elections, they have become dissatisfied with the Republican label because they don’t think it stands for — or too often strays from — principled conservatism.”
Statistical Odds of a GOP President in 2016
The GOP has an 83 percent chance or better of winning the presidency in 2016.