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Energy RSS Feed

Access to abundant, affordable energy is a key factor in economic growth, whether supplying the manufacturing plants of the 20th century or the server farms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the federal government has placed unreasonable restrictions on domestic exploration and development, and  foreign sources are sometimes actually hostile to our own interests.

New discoveries and innovative technologies have made possible the extraction of enormous new energy resources within the United States. The U.S. possesses not only enormous natural energy resources but also the technology to extract those resources in a responsible manner.

IPI believes that the United States should become as energy self-sufficient as possible, drawing upon a diverse energy base comprised of all possible energy resources. We believe that free people operating within a free economy using voluntary risk capital will out-innovate government-directed central planning funded by taxpayer dollars. The key to energy innovation is abundant capital, a tax system that rewards rather than punishes success, an intellectual property system that allows innovators to own the fruits of their research, and a regulatory environment that balances the needs of our economy with the protection of the environment.

February 8, 2022

What You Thought You Knew About Climate Change Models but Were Afraid to Say

Leftist politicians and environmentalists want to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars based on climate models whose creators concede are still a work in progress.

January 25, 2022

Russia to the EU: Getting Cold Enough Yet?

Germany doubles down on a bad bet: That Russia won't use oil and gas as a political weapon.

January 11, 2022

The Energy Axis of Evil Grows--and Thrives

George Bush's Axis of Evil has grown and morphed into an Energy Axis of Evil, where several autocratic states produce and sell or buy energy that supports their political and economic mischief.

December 10, 2021

Needlessly Reducing Supply Risks Another Power Grid Failure

Because the Texas grid is largely unconnected to other regional grids, it is doubly important that Texas has an abundant portfolio of energy sources to ensure adequate supply.

December 7, 2021

Can GM Increase Electric Vehicle Production 2800 Percent in Four Years?

President Biden is more than willing to hand over the cash. And that may be the real reason why many car manufacturers are so eager to bet it all on EVs.

November 9, 2021

Big CEOs for Big Government and Big Mandates

Bank of America's CEO wants the government to mandate green energy projects so big investors can pump in money and make out like bandits.

October 29, 2021

Coalition Letter in Opposition to Unnecessary Wind and Solar Subsidies

It is clear that the industries that rely upon these tax credits are mature and no longer in need of generous Federal support and it is time for lawmakers to allow the solar and wind industries to sink or swim on their own merits.

October 26, 2021

The Real Reason Biden Is Going to the COP26 Climate Summit

Biden is going to the climate summit in part because he clearly cares about the environment, as we all should. But he has other reasons for going, many of which are more political than environmental.

September 21, 2021

What Happens When a Country Depends on Russia for Natural Gas?

Apparently, the EU is surprised and concerned that Russian natural gas shipments are slowing. EU members shouldn't be surprised since they were duly warned. 

August 10, 2021

Who Wants an Electric Car? Not Consumers

Biden's new electric vehicle directive means that the government, not consumers, will become the automakers' primary customer. 

Total Records: 351