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Tax Reform

Tax Reform RSS Feed

Taxes directly affect Americans by compelling them to surrender part of their income to the government, and indirectly since the taxing power can positively or negatively affect economic growth.

In the U.S., our tax regimes are in serious need for reform, both at the state and federal level. Our tax code fails to sufficiently incentivize investment, the primary driver of economic growth. And it hobbles U.S. companies as they compete internationally.

IPI believes that the purpose of taxes is to raise the revenue necessary to fund the legitimate functions of government while imposing the least possible impact upon the functioning of the economy. We therefore believe that taxes should be simple, transparent, neutral, territorial and competitive.

Because of its tremendous potential to stimulate real long-term economic growth, tax reform should be a top priority of policymakers.

April 29, 2013

States Beg Congress to Regulate Their Tax Systems

Having the federal government mandate nationwide online sales tax collection could be the next step in undermining our legacy of constitutional federalism.

April 26, 2013

Should Texans Be Taxed at the 'Margin'?

The margin tax was supposed to solve the state’s tax problems; it hasn’t.

April 17, 2013

Don't Let the IRS Prepare Your Taxes

Giving the IRS the power to prepare our taxes for us is not a solution—it will open the door to abuse, overpayment of taxes and would further erode financial privacy.

April 15, 2013

Internet sales tax again on agenda

While Rep. Steve Womack takes another crack at legislation that would help states collect taxes on Internet sales, IPI's Bartlett Cleland warns the measure would hurt businesses. Cleland says businesses will shoulder the burden of increased audits and additional tax payments that should be collected by states "who can't figure out how to clean up their own messes internally" and collect the tax from customers.

April 11, 2013

Obama to Seniors: It's Time for You to Pay

Seniors strongly supported Mitt Romney in the 2012 election over President Barack Obama, and now Obama attempts to get his revenge in his most recent budget proposal with cuts to Social Security and Medicare, as well as tax hikes for estates and 401(k)s.

April 10, 2013

Enzi's 'Marketplace Fairness Act' a Trojan horse

If passed, the MFA will increase taxes as “multiple jurisdictions lay claim to the same transaction and demand payment,” said IPI's Bartlett Cleland. The proposal “does away with any requirement that a business have a physical connection in a jurisdiction before it can be required to levy taxes on its sales.”

April 8, 2013

Wyoming U.S. Sen. Enzi: Online sales tax isn't new tax

IPI's Bartlett Cleland says the Marketplace Fairness Act would compel businesses to comply with every single tax code in the nation if they want to sell their goods everywhere. And noncompliance could mean a costly audit from the states where sellers are sending their products.

April 1, 2013

Taxman Eyeing Cable Services

Nearly a half-dozen tax proposals affecting Internet operations are expected to appear on the congressional agenda, with many of them affecting broadband and cable services.

April 1, 2013

Cable and Satellite Providers Square Off Over Tax Break

Tom Giovanetti testified before state legislators in favor of the tax break for cable customers, saying there was a “gross disparity” in the taxing of satellite and cable. “We want the winners to be determined by who has the best product offerings, not by some historical quirk or glitch in the tax code that no one got around to fixing because it was hard.”

March 27, 2013

Okay, We Take It Back

Based on the Senate budget resolution passed early Saturday morning, we were better off when the Senate didn’t pass budgets.

Total Records: 633