  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


January 24, 2013

Whatever Happened To The Republican Ideas Machine?

If Republicans want to recapture the public’s support and trust, they will have to do it with bold new ideas that actually address the country’s problems.  The GOP used to be an ideas machine; maybe with a little kick start it can be again.

December 31, 2012

Why Boehner Lost the Fiscal Cliff Battle

Boehner never initiated a spending-cut PR campaign, so Republicans are hoping they will be able to get some cuts in the next round of fiscal negotiations. But it won’t happen until they learn how to make excessive government spending the issue.

December 31, 2012

What We've Really Lost to the Fiscal Cliff: A Sense of Form

During fiscal cliff talks, transparency advocacy groups including the Institute for Policy Innovation called on President Obama and congressional leaders to post bills online for 72 hours before a vote; release in real-time details on any lobbyist meetings; and disclose any "side deals" for future legislative consideration.

November 7, 2012

The Era of Big Government is Back

Election returns show that big government is back, and with so many people depending on it, it may be here to stay.

November 1, 2012

The 'I Can't Wait to Vote' Election Revisited

The 2010 election was one for the history books, and voters across the country couldn't wait to cast their vote against President Obama's policies. But this time, the president's actually on the ballot, and the "I can't wait to vote" sentiment is even stronger.

October 25, 2012

Who's the Best Candidate for the Technology Industry?

What is driving the tech boom is an entrepreneurial, can-do spirit, relentless innovation, and in many of the most dynamic areas, a light-touch regulatory approach, not the occupant of the White House.

October 23, 2012

A Nation of Nation Builders

Both President Obama and Governor Romney want to do some nation building: Obama at home, and Romney abroad. Both are potentially costly ideas without much hope for success.

October 17, 2012

Of Course It Can Work

The reason Obama and Biden are convinced Romney’s tax plan cannot work is that having failed themselves to grow the economy, they are defining economic growth out of the equation.

October 16, 2012

Who's for the Middle Class? A Look at States by Median Income

While both sides will claim to be standing up for the middle class, it appears that the large majority of states with a median income equal to or less than the national average will be standing up for Romney.

September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Is Right About the 'Victims' of Government

Mitt Romney just told the truth when he identified the 47 percent who embrace the entitlement state, which in today’s politics is the only thing a candidate isn’t supposed to do.

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