Confused About President Biden's Policies? You're Not Alone
A stable economy needs stable policies. And businesses, consumers and regulators all need to know what those policies are. Unfortunately for the economy and the country, Biden’s policies keep shifting, depending on the latest crisis — and the latest polls.
Biden's Already Reducing Wealth Inequality--By Killing the Economy
Biden campaigned on reducing wealth inequality, and he’s certainly done that. Wealthy people with money in the stock market are likely worth a lot less today than at the beginning of the year.
More Defense Spending, But How?
Most observers realize that the United States is going to have to increase its defense spending. But, with federal debt ballooning, interest rates rising and the return of inflation, we simply must set our fiscal house in order. We must be able to say “no” to more things so that we can “yes” to a stronger defense.
Look, C'mon Folks: Joe Biden Doesn't Understand Inflation
There is no solution to inflation other than reining in loose money and enduring whatever temporary economic pain may result.
The State of the Union and the Allure of Price Controls
The left thinks it can plan and control human behavior and the economy, yet Biden's State of the Union address will likely reveal that the economy is not going as planned.
What If Taxpayers Imposed 'Price Controls' on Congress?
The's a way to impose price controls on Congress to limit how much it costs taxpayers. It's called the budget sequester.
Mitch McConnell Should Win 2021's 'Politician of the Year'
McConnell got done what needed to be done—and with less drama than we’ve seen in the House. He limited the fiscal and political damage Biden’s agenda could have caused, and he bought some much-needed time on fighting Build Back Better.
Manchin's 'Intervention' May Have Saved the Democratic Party--For Now
Manchin demonstrated that a “moderate” Democrat can still make a difference and may have reduced the hit Democrats will likely take in the 2022 midterms.
You Owe More Than $500,000--and Counting
Even though Democrats say BBB is “paid for” – meaning new taxes will offset the new federal spending over the next 10 years – no honest person actually believes that.
Note to Sen. Sanders: Medicare Already Has Dental, Vision and Hearing
Sen. Bernie Sanders wants Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing coverage. Private sector Medicare Advantage plans are already doing so—at no extra cost.