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Entitlement Reform

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Federal spending mandated by our major entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) today comprises the majority of the federal budget and will bankrupt the United States absent imminent structural reforms.

Not only do these entitlement programs drain federal spending dollars, but they don’t do a particularly good job of delivering promised services and benefits. Social Security provides a shameful rate of return for most recipients, especially when compared with private sector alternatives.  And seniors and the poor are finding it increasingly difficult to find a doctor who will accept Medicare or Medicaid patients.

IPI has proposed specific, concrete solutions that would not only make these programs solvent and sustainable, but also deliver superior benefits. Entitlements should not be reformed solely for the benefit of the federal government, but also for the benefit of taxpayers and recipients.

January 3, 2018

How Trump's Second Year Can Top His First

President Trump made a lot of progress in 2017—a lot more than many expected. Now the question is whether his second year can top his first. 

December 5, 2017

Kids Get Health Coverage While Taxpayers Get the Shaft

The “crowd-out effect” of CHIP would be an important lesson to remember as Congress tackles welfare reform next year.

November 29, 2017

Pass Tax Reform So We Can Tackle Entitlements Cliff

President Trump has said he wants to tackle welfare reform soon. Doing so is a much easier task if a booming economy has employers scurrying for workers.

October 31, 2017

How Washington Keeps Millions from Being Millionaires

It's good to see so many commentators defending the benefits of 401(k) plans; now if they would only use that energy and those arguments to defend personal Social Security accounts.

June 6, 2017

To Grow the Economy, Make Welfare Recipients Work

The economy needs workers to grow, and President Trump's welfare work requirements will help provide them. 

March 21, 2017

The Debt Ceiling's Baaaaack! What Will Republicans Do?

Republicans challenged President Obama efforts to raise the debt ceiling by demanding spending cuts. Now that the debt ceiling is back and Republicans are in control, will they be as aggressive in pushing spending cuts?

January 10, 2017

Republicans' Biggest Challenge: Remaining Small-Government Conservatives

Republicans campaigned on cutting the size of government, but they will face a lot of pressure to abandon those promises and spend like Democrats.

December 12, 2016

Finally, Giving the Poor Access to Good Insurance

What Republicans have consistently called for in Medicaid reform is giving states flexibility. Let’s give individuals flexibility too.

November 29, 2016

Low-Skilled Job Openings Means It's Time to Reestablish Workfare

There are low-skilled jobs that need to be filled; let's fill as many as possible with Americans as a condition for receiving welfare benefits.

November 1, 2016

The 'Death Spiral' Is Hitting All Entitlements, Not Just Obamacare

The "death spiral" isn't restricted to Obamacare. Most entitlement programs are facing their own death spiral—and Democrats' proposed "solutions" would only make the problems worse.

Total Records: 190