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Health Care

Health Care RSS Feed

For all of the quality care it delivers, the U.S. health care system is one of the most dysfunctional sectors of the U.S. economy.  The government spends nearly 50 cents of every dollar spent on health care, most consumers are almost entirely insulated from the cost of their decisions, and employers decide what kind of health insurance their employees get.

But while the U.S. health care system begs for reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only exacerbates all of the current problems, promising to devolve into a price-controlled system rationed and micromanaged by bureaucrats.

IPI believes there are much better options: reform the tax treatment of health insurance; remove the state and federal mandates and regulations that make coverage more expensive; pass medical liability reform; and promote policies that create value-conscious shoppers in the health care marketplace.

December 7, 2021

Note to Sen. Sanders: Medicare Already Has Dental, Vision and Hearing

Sen. Bernie Sanders wants Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing coverage. Private sector Medicare Advantage plans are already doing so—at no extra cost.

November 17, 2021

Pelosi's Drug Pricing Offer: Your Freedom or Your Revenue

Godfather Don Corleone would be proud of Democrats' offer to "negotiate" the initial price of many new prescription drugs.

October 27, 2021

Expressing Concern RE: S.2428, the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021

Politically, this legislation seems to be animated by a desire to control healthcare costs; in this case making it easier to sue and to collect judgments from healthcare providers.

October 5, 2021

Biden's Effort to Increase the Public's Access to Counterfeit Drugs

Biden wants to increase your access to deadly counterfeit drugs even as the DEA is trying to reduce that access.

September 17, 2021

Vaccines Are the Future of Health Care

by Merrill Matthews, Robert Popovian

Future vaccines may be our best preventive medicine option for long-feared diseases. They may even become the preferred treatment option. Let’s hope they won’t be as politicized as the COVID-19 vaccines have, become because the least effective vaccine is the one a person refuses to take.

September 8, 2021

Biden's Domestic Policy Failures Are Mounting, Too

It’s not just the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Many of President Biden’s domestic policy efforts have become a mismanaged mess. 

August 31, 2021

Yet Another Misuse of Vaccine Data

There are a lot of data associated with vaccines. But even good data can be misleading and misused if those handling it are not careful.

August 24, 2021

Joe Biden: Republicans' Secret Weapon for Retaking Congress

President Biden’s job performance is making him the most serious political threat to Democrats’ election chances in 2022. It’s almost as if Biden is a GOP secret weapon, ensuring that Republicans retake control of the House and Senate.

August 20, 2021

Seniors on Medicare Are the Last People Who Should Have to Pay for Basic Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccine is free, but many seniors still have to pay for many basic vaccines.

August 17, 2021

Can Employers Require Employees to Be Vaccinated?

Employers are generally allowed to require employees to be vaccinated, part of the government's limited (though increasing) interference in the workplace.

Total Records: 702