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Health Care

Health Care RSS Feed

For all of the quality care it delivers, the U.S. health care system is one of the most dysfunctional sectors of the U.S. economy.  The government spends nearly 50 cents of every dollar spent on health care, most consumers are almost entirely insulated from the cost of their decisions, and employers decide what kind of health insurance their employees get.

But while the U.S. health care system begs for reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only exacerbates all of the current problems, promising to devolve into a price-controlled system rationed and micromanaged by bureaucrats.

IPI believes there are much better options: reform the tax treatment of health insurance; remove the state and federal mandates and regulations that make coverage more expensive; pass medical liability reform; and promote policies that create value-conscious shoppers in the health care marketplace.

July 27, 2021

Sham 'Pay-Fors' Are Another Washington Trick

Once again Washington is using sham accounting practices to claim that a massive new spending bill will be "paid for."

July 20, 2021

Biden's Latest Effort to Undermine Vaccine Trust

Biden is facing significant vaccine resistance, which will only be exacerbated by his recent prescription drug importation executive order.

July 13, 2021

Where Was the Media's Pre-pandemic Concern About Vaccine Politicization?

There are numerous stories about conservatives and Fox News politicizing the national vaccination effort. But the media weren't nearly so concerned about that politicization last fall when Democrats were the vaccine skeptics.

March 31, 2021

Bernie Sanders Embraces 'Medicare for More'

Sanders doesn’t have enough support to pass his “Medicare for All” bill—which would put every person in the country under a government-run, single-payer health care system. So he will settle for expanding Medicare from the current enrollment age of 65 to age 55 or 60—at least for now. Call it “Medicare for More.”

March 3, 2021

Everything Is Seemingly Spinning Out of Control

In FY2020, federal revenues were $3.42 trillion, but federal spending was $6.5 trillion. In other words, the federal government spent almost TWICE what it took in. That’s not sustainable.

March 2, 2021

Stop Businesses from Exploiting This Health Program for the Poor

Over the decades, Congress has created a number of programs intended to help the poor, the sick, the downtrodden. But, certain businesses and industries find ways to exploit these efforts and profit in ways lawmakers never foresaw or intended — and even hurt the very people the program was supposed to help.

March 1, 2021

Will 'Cover-up Cuomo' Be Marching to 'Jail to the Chief'?

How did the man who would be president find himself in such a mess? By turning a pandemic crisis into a social justice effort.

February 22, 2021

The New Push to Expand Government's Role in Health Care Won't Work. Here's How We Can Help Americans Instead.

An open letter from 68 leaders participating in the Health Policy Consensus Group.

January 5, 2021

Amazon Failed at Health Care Because It Wasn't a 'Disrupter'

Had Amazon brought to the health care system its ability to disrupt current business models and put consumers in charge, it would have changed the world.  

December 25, 2020

Is Oregon's Physician-assisted Suicide Law Affecting Disabled COVID-19 Patients?

With nearly 25 years under its belt, Oregon disabilities rights groups are seeing a growing callousness among some health care providers who seemingly don’t value some lives as much as others. 

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