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Budget and Deficit

August 11, 2021

Irreconcilable Differences with Budget Reconciliation

It shouldn’t be possible for a tiny majority in Congress to pass sweeping changes and enormous spending increases, but it is, thanks to the absurd Senate budget reconciliation process.

August 4, 2021

Ah. So Taxes DO Affect Decision-Making?

Democrats have largely resisted dynamic scoring because they saw it as a Republican scheme to justify cutting taxes. But now, Democrats have had a sudden religious conversion and are insisting that dynamic scoring be used to evaluate their huge new spending plans.

July 27, 2021

Sham 'Pay-Fors' Are Another Washington Trick

Once again Washington is using sham accounting practices to claim that a massive new spending bill will be "paid for."

July 23, 2021

Coalition Letter Regarding Broadband Infrastructure Spending

Coalition letter flagging concerning developments in the infrastructure bill negotiations. Price controls and rate regulation; dramatic expansion of executive brand and agency authority; and government-controlled internet should never be on the table.

July 20, 2021

Coalition Letter Urging Fiscal Restraint on the Infrastructure Package

As our economy continues to recover from the pandemic, it is essential to act in a fiscally responsible manner. Doing otherwise could exacerbate inflation, disrupt the still tenuous job market, and place additional burdens on struggling families.

July 14, 2021

The Most Dangerous Experiment in World History

The only federal budget deficit larger than the current one was . . . last year’s.

July 7, 2021

White House High-fiving More Jobs While Killing Economy

The latest jobs report from the federal government shows unemployment is 5.9%, which is positive news, but an economic think tank predicts little improvement as long as Joe Biden is in the White House.

July 6, 2021

No, Unemployment Rates Won't Return to Pre-pandemic Levels

The White House and media are  predicting when unemployment will return to pre-pandemic lows, but that won't happen if the White House and media get their big-government budget blowout.

July 3, 2021

Treasury Traders Brace for Volatility With Debt-Limit Chaos Near

In a protracted 2013 debt-limit episode, Fitch Ratings put the U.S. rating on negative watch given the government’s failure then to raise its borrowing limit as the Treasury’s hard deadline neared. In 2011, a split House and Senate took the debt-limit debate down to the wire, prompting S&P Global Ratings to cut America’s sovereign credit grade for the first time.

June 30, 2021

The Democrats' Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy the Economy

If Republicans allow Democrats to pass through budget reconciliation everything that was taken out of the bipartisan infrastructure deal, they will be complicit in the economic harms that will inevitably result.

Total Records: 367