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Civil Liberties

June 14, 2016

Brady Leads House Fight to Stop IRS Abuse and Protect Free Speech

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a Ways and Means Committee-led bill stopping the IRS from targeting donors to tax-exempt organizations. The measure, the Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act (H.R. 5053), passed 240-182.

June 7, 2016

Is Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Really A Possibility?

Is reform of our criminal justice system really possible given, the vast divide between Republicans and Democrats in Congress? One conservative joins me today to say "Yes!" and explains why.

June 2, 2016

Conservatives Should Celebrate Obama's Commutations

As people who prize liberty and individual rights, and who are skeptical about government power, conservatives need to do a rethink on criminal justice.

May 26, 2016

Republican Senators Attempt to Kill Email Privacy Act

Although House members recently passed the Email Privacy Act with unanimous consensus, some Republicans in the Senate are trying to kill the legislation. Why?

May 6, 2016

It's The Senate's Turn To Protect Your Digital Rights

Presidential politics means we have only about two months left of useful legislative time, so it’s time for the Senate to get its act together and move the Email Privacy Act.

April 28, 2016

House Approves Email Privacy Act 419-0, Drawing Tech Industry Praise

By a 419-0 vote, the House approved the Email Privacy Act (HR-699), which would protect the content of people's emails and electronic communications (see 1604260014). Approval of the measure, which updates part of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986, was hailed by privacy and technology associations, which said ECPA lagged behind the rapid advancement of technologies such as cloud computing.

April 27, 2016

IPI Commends U.S. House of Representatives for Passing Email Privacy Act

IPI commends the U.S. House of Representatives for today’s unanimous support passing reforms to ECPA, a necessary step toward protecting Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights guarding against warrantless search and seizure of electronic data.

March 4, 2016

In The Tank Podcast: Civil Asset Forfeiture, Growth in Regulatory Paperwork, and Film Subsidies

Featured this week is a report by the Institute for Policy Innovation titled “Civil Asset Forfeiture and the Constitution.” The report explains what civil asset forfeiture is, why its dangerous, and what specific parts of the Constitution it infringes upon.

February 23, 2016

Why Big Government Liberals Want to Stamp Out the $100 Bill

Some believe eliminating the $100 bill would help the government fight crime, but it would also pave the way for more government intrusions on our privacy.

Total Records: 83