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Energy RSS Feed

Access to abundant, affordable energy is a key factor in economic growth, whether supplying the manufacturing plants of the 20th century or the server farms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the federal government has placed unreasonable restrictions on domestic exploration and development, and  foreign sources are sometimes actually hostile to our own interests.

New discoveries and innovative technologies have made possible the extraction of enormous new energy resources within the United States. The U.S. possesses not only enormous natural energy resources but also the technology to extract those resources in a responsible manner.

IPI believes that the United States should become as energy self-sufficient as possible, drawing upon a diverse energy base comprised of all possible energy resources. We believe that free people operating within a free economy using voluntary risk capital will out-innovate government-directed central planning funded by taxpayer dollars. The key to energy innovation is abundant capital, a tax system that rewards rather than punishes success, an intellectual property system that allows innovators to own the fruits of their research, and a regulatory environment that balances the needs of our economy with the protection of the environment.

January 14, 2020

The Carbon Credit Scheme: Greenhouse Gas Credits Don't Help the Environment--Or Consumers

To stay in business, car manufacturers have to please consumers—not the government. And consumers still want gas-powered cars.

January 7, 2020

Middle East Tensions Drive Gas Prices...Nowhere?

Who could imagine 10 years ago that the Middle East could be in chaos and it would have virtually no impact on gasoline prices? Welcome to the age of fracking.

December 21, 2019

Are Fossil Fuels an Ethical Investment?

America has become the world’s leading energy producer. That fact has improved both our lives and our economy. Investing in the companies that make prosperity and national security possible isn’t just ethical, it’s commendable.

December 17, 2019

It's Time to Hit the Off Switch for Solar, Wind Power Tax Breaks

The stated reason for initially subsidizing wind and solar power was so they could reach economies of scale where they could be competitive with fossil fuels. Frequent news stories seem to imply “mission accomplished.”

December 17, 2019

Global Climate Income Transfer Scheme Doesn't Go Well

The global climate change conference ends in disappointment when it becomes obvious that talk is much cheaper than actions.

October 29, 2019

The Next Tax Grab: Robbing Peter to Pay...Peter

Some Republicans now think imposing taxes to change consumer behavior and then rebating the money to minimize the impact is a good idea.

October 8, 2019

The US Shale Oil Boom Has Made A Middle East War Less Likely

It looks like the decade-old U.S. shale oil boom may keep us out of war.

September 10, 2019

EPA Is Right to Grant Biofuel Waivers

Ethanol has become the epitome of the Washington "swamp." Blending corn-based ethanol into our gasoline no longer improves national security, and environmentalists increasingly agree it’s not environmentally friendly. 

August 13, 2019

Is Global Cooling on the Way?

Chinese climate scientists predict a period of global cooling in the future, which will surely heat up the climate change debate.

August 1, 2019

How Is the Tariff Working Out for the U.S. Steel Industry?

President Trump presumably wants to help the steel industry prosper. To do that, his administration needs to find an acceptable tariff exit strategy as quickly as possible. 

Total Records: 351