  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


June 27, 2023

Want a Person of Color for President? Vote Republican

If the GOP is the racist party of exclusion that Biden and many Democrats claim, why do so many successful people of color belong to the GOP, eager to be the party’s face of the future?

June 21, 2023

Republicans Can't Win in 2024 Unless They Embrace Early Voting

Republicans who claim the voting system can’t be trusted shouldn’t be surprised if many Republican-inclined voters don’t vote, and if Republicans lose elections as a result.

June 14, 2023

Biden, Progressives and the Perpetual-Emergency Presidency

The biggest threat to U.S. democracy isn’t some state election laws, it’s the effort to create a much more powerful executive who can ignore the duly elected representatives of the people.

June 5, 2023

The Battle Over the Obama Presidential Center

This paper raises several important questions about the current location, funding and process of approving the Obama Presidential Center on Chicago's South Side.

May 30, 2023

Evangelicals Should Think Twice About Supporting Trump in 2024

Ideally, evangelicals should be supporting candidates who best reflect their values, which include but are not limited to religion, at least through the primaries.

May 24, 2023

Durham Report: The FBI Is as Bad as You Feared, Maybe Worse

If you believe there was, or is, a “deep state” of bureaucrats, Washington insiders and power brokers who operate outside the law and do pretty much whatever they want, in this case you were right. Chalk up one for the conspiracy theorists. 

May 18, 2023

Even in Conservative Texas, Lawmakers Limit Free Market

Spirits regulation is just another policy area in which reality doesn’t match the rhetoric from supposedly free-market, limited-government Texas politicians.

May 3, 2023

Biden's Health and the Threat of an AI Presidential Campaign

It sounds a bit farfetched, voters could ultimately be voting for the clone they see in ads, rather than the candidate they don’t see.

April 18, 2023

No, Biden Can't Let 'Dreamers' Join ObamaCare

The Biden administration plans, without congressional approval, to change the definition of those who are considered lawfully present in the United States to include Dreamers.

April 4, 2023

Red-State Cities Thrive, Blue-State Cities Dive

Residents of big, blue-state cities are leaving. They're moving to the suburbs or to red states to escape the disastrous policies imposed by progressive mayors and city councils.

Total Records: 550