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Browse by Media Hit and Health Care

May 14, 2015

Millennials' Health Insurance Premiums Skyrocket Under Obamacare

The cost of health insurance premiums for young, healthy Americans have increased significantly under Obamacare. Dr. Merrill Matthews explains why premiums are going up for younger people, and that much of the cost is hidden by federal subsidies, and it will likely only get worse as the [nation’s] population ages.

February 6, 2015

The Most Wanted List You Never Heard Of: Millions of Tax Dollars Vaporized

The Office of Inspector General at the US Dept. of Health and Human Services has a Most Wanted list. IPI's Merrill Matthews wrote about a 2010 GAO report identifying "$48 billion in what it termed as ‘improper payments.’” 

January 28, 2015

Obamacare Will Cost $50,000 for Each Newly Insured American

"Patient access to doctors is approaching a perfect storm of decreased physician supply, more demand for medical care, and doctors increasingly refusing to see low-paying Medicare or Medicaid patients,” explains Merrill Mathews, PhD, a healthcare policy expert at the Institute for Policy Innovation. “If the ‘promise’ of Obamacare’s access to health-care is to be kept, government will eventually have to force doctors to accept Obamacare-covered patients.”

November 29, 2014

These Two States Cut Medicaid ... And Saved Money

Illinois and Pennsylvania were the two case studies the IPI used to illustrate Medicaid reform.

November 11, 2014

Benefit of Pensions Shown to Be Widespread

Determining how much of the increase in health-care premiums can be attributed to the ACA is tricky, IPI reports. Increases are based on actuarial estimates which are educated guesses about factors including the estimated ratio of sick and healthy people in a particular insurance pool, the normal growth in health-care costs, and government regulations.

October 16, 2014

President Touts Lower Insurance Premiums, with Little Evidence

According to Merrill Matthews, health insurance costs will be going up because ObamaCare creates incentives for more people to use more care.

September 16, 2014

Ebola Outbreak Highlights Value of Cures

Matthews points out that it is a benefit to have an innovative industry working every day to tackle the worst diseases, and the Ebola outbreak demonstrates the value of the industry’s contributions to the world. 

September 16, 2014

Businesses Report Cutting Jobs Due to ObamaCare

Businesses are cutting jobs due to ObamaCare, according to surveys by several regional Federal Reserve Banks.

September 15, 2014

The Time May Be Right to Salvage States Rights

“This is the biggest push back that I’ve seen in my lifetime," said Merrill Matthews of IPI. "There’s this growing sense that there are areas that are the purview of states, and the states ought to be allowed to do that.”

August 21, 2014

Big Rise In Health Care Premiums In Time For Midterm Races

Just in time for the November elections. News about your health insurance premiums that could affect your vote, and the votes of American everywhere. 

Total Records: 158