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Browse by Media Hit and Health Care

June 29, 2012

What to Expect Post-ObamaCare Ruling

Dr. Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar, tells OneNewsNow that John Roberts saved the president's "bacon" by siding with the four liberal justices and upholding most of ObamaCare, including the individual mandate, as constitutional under Congress' taxing powers.

June 26, 2012

The irony of the individual mandate

There are many ironies in the furor around the individual mandate, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post. One is that there is no better deal in the legislation — and there has perhaps never been a better deal in the individual health-care market — than to go without insurance and pay the mandate’s penalty.

June 26, 2012

Health apps under the microscope

Mobile apps, with their extraordinary reach, have the power to transform health care. IPI's Merrill Matthews is cited by reporter Dina ElBoghdady in the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune on the classic showdown occuring between Washington regulators charged with safeguarding the public's health and a freewheeling tech industry that prizes agility and first-to-market bragging rights.

March 13, 2012

Savings methods absent from Massachusetts Medicaid waiver request

The latest Massachusetts request for a Medicaid waiver renewal from the federal government assumes Safety Net Hospitals will significantly reduce costs for the state’s Medicaid program. Unfortunately, no new methods for such cost reductions are specified in the waiver request, reports Loren Heal of Heartland's Health Care News.

March 13, 2012

HHS Criticizes 'Unreasonable' Health Insurance Rate Hikes

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently announced the health insurance premium rate increases proposed for five states by Trustmark Life Insurance Company were “unreasonable," reports Marc Kilmer in The Heartlander.

March 6, 2012

Labor Unions Get Lion's Share of Final ACA Waivers

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members, reports Loren Heal of the Heartland Institute.

February 10, 2012

Contraception Coverage Compromise Could Raise Costs

In this article published by FoxBusiness Dr. Merrill Matthews explains how administrative fees are likely to rise under the Obama administration’s compromise plan: since religious employers will not be held responsible for their employees’ contraception coverage the burden is shifted to the insurers.

September 9, 2010

How ObamaCare Guts Medicare

Everyone should know by now that Medicare suffers dramatic long-term deficits and unfunded liabilities, and is in need of fundamental, structural reforms. But effectively refusing to pay the doctors and hospitals that provide the medical care the program promises to seniors is no way to solve that problem.

Total Records: 158