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A Viable, Affordable Alternative To Obamacare

One of the questions I often hear from frustrated Americans who are fed up with Obamacare’s high—and quickly rising—premiums and cancelled policies is: “Is there anything we can do to get decent health coverage for less money and not be hounded by the IRS for refusing Obama-approved coverage?”

Maybe there is.

Of course, getting decent coverage at a lower price is, in and of itself, easy. Many health insurers offered such policies before Obama decreed they weren’t good enough and penalizes you for choosing that option. That means the first challenge is to have coverage that exempts you from the penalty.

The best way to do that is to join one of the Christian health care sharing ministries.

These organizations do not provide health insurance per se. Instead of members sending a monthly premium to the company, they send their monthly check to a designated member who has medical expenses. That’s the “sharing” part of the program. There is no guaranteed reimbursement for medical expenses, and the reimbursements are generally for major medical costs, not routine care such as a simple office visit.

Obamacare exempts those who participate in one of several sharing ministries from the mandate to have health insurance. Thus, membership provides you with financial help paying your medical bills—you can’t really call it “coverage”—while taking you off the penalty rolls.

But it’s easy to see where dropping traditional health insurance and joining one of the Christian sharing ministries might leave some people a little nervous. What if a family incurs very high expenses and there just isn’t enough money coming from other members to cover those costs? The ministries claim that doesn’t happen often, but members might have the concern nevertheless.

So I recently talked to Bill Brann of Brann Insurance of Corpus Christi, Texas, who explained what his group has been doing to provide an alternative. [Note: I have no connection with Brann or his agency whatsoever.]

They encourage Christians to join one of the Christian sharing ministries to provide a measure of financial protection and escape the mandate.

On top of that, they add a life insurance policy with a critical illness component. I have written about these policies here in the past, but it hadn’t crossed my mind to combine one with the Christian sharing protection.

These are term life insurance policies; if you die, you get the amount of the policy. However, they also have an “accelerated benefit” provision. If you encounter a major medical condition or accident, the insurer writes the beneficiary a check, based on the terms of the contract. In short, cash in your pocket to cover medical expenses.

Depending on the value of the policy—Brann tells me there are policies available up to $2 million, but most people buy much less—and how much money you need, the settlement will either reduce the amount remaining on your life insurance coverage or cancel the policy.

For example, I have seen a copy of a letter from a life insurer giving the beneficiary two options: either full or partial accelerated benefits:
  • If the beneficiary chose full acceleration, the insurer would write a check for $111, 281.78, though choosing that option would cancel the policy; or
  • The company would pay $88,975.38, and reduce the life insurance coverage to $50,000, and the premiums would be reduced to $43.98 per month. In other words, the beneficiary would have cash and still have life insurance.

Brann also likes to include a couple of other options: a cancer policy that pays a cash amount in case the beneficiary gets cancer and a short-term critical illness policy that also provides cash, though usually in lower amounts that the life insurance, in case the beneficiary is off work and needs help paying medical or other bills.

But since the Christian sharing ministries have been so effective in covering their members’ medical bills, it strikes me that protection plus the life insurance policy with accelerated benefits would meet most people’s needs.

And it would cost much less than Obamacare—at least if you do not qualify for, or refuse to accept, a federal subsidy to help pay the premiums.

For example, a family membership in one of the Christian sharing ministries runs about $400 to $500 a month. A $1 million life insurance policy for a roughly 50-year-old male and female could cost about $200 per month each. That puts the family at, say, $800 to $900 a month, which would be significantly less than an Obamacare qualified policy—and you can see whichever doctors you want because you would be paying cash.

Of course, this option isn’t for everyone; only professing Christians willing to accept certain restrictions can participate in the Christian health care sharing ministries. But in the age of Obamacare, there are no perfect alternatives—at least not at the moment.

But if you take this route, you would have the satisfaction of politely telling Obama what he can do with his health insurance mandate.