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Analysts Expect Healthcare Act To Raise Most Americans' Insurance Premiums

The Frontrunner

The Institute for Policy Innovation's Merrill Matthews and Mark Litow, past chairman of the Social Insurance Public Finance Section of the Society of Actuaries, in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, titled, "ObamaCare's Health-Insurance Sticker Shock," predict that Americans' healthcare insurance premiums will spike this year due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

The authors point out that residents of the eight states that have rules similar to the ACA's regarding how much more, if at all, insurers can charge policyholders with preexisting conditions, as well as which conditions must be covered at no extra expense to the policyholder, have seen their premiums rise more than residents in states with less regulated insurance markets.

The authors note that analysts have concluded that residents of those states with the least expensive health insurance will face the biggest increases this year due to the ACA.