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Merrill Matthews: Energy Policy Might

USA Today

The U.S. must move forward with plans that will turn cheap and abundant natural gas into liquefied natural gas for export. We are only now building the liquefaction facilities to undertake this venture on a large scale, and the private sector is investing the money to make it happen -- as long as the Obama administration will allow it. The ability for the U.S. to extract and export energy is a national security issue.

Energy self-sufficiency, which could be attainable in a decade or so, would mean that U.S. foreign policy wouldn't be held hostage to energy policy. And ensuring that energy-dependent countries have other options would reduce the potential for energy diplomacy, help dry up the coffers of countries that would harm the U.S. and its allies, and dramatically increase U.S. manufacturing and exports.

If Russia, Iran, China and Venezuela have no energy monopoly over their neighbors, they would have very little control -- and even less money. Producing and exporting U.S. energy might be the closest thing we've seen to a real "peace movement."