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Could the Iran Deal Be To 2016 What Obamacare Was To 2010?

President Obama and the Democrats ram through something that is widely unpopular with the public, has ZERO bipartisan support, and the White House must bypass the normal legislative process to claim it is law.

Am I talking about Obamacare or the president’s Iran deal?  Yes, and just as Obamacare led to huge Democratic defeats in 2010, so could the Iran deal in 2016.  Indeed, the Democratic toll could be even worse, except for the fact that Democratic ranks have already been so thinned by the Obamacare disaster.

The parallels between the Iran nuclear deal and Obamacare are remarkable.

Both are widely unpopular.  Rasmussen has been polling Obamacare’s favorable/unfavorable ratings since the law passed in 2010.  In July, the pollster found that 53% of likely voters still view the Affordable Care Act unfavorably, similar to its findings for the past five years.  Forty-two percent had a favorable opinion.

But as unpopular as that is, it’s still better than the Pew Research Center’s poll on Obama’s Iran deal.  Forty-nine percent disapprove and only 21% approve.

If Iran cheats, as its leaders almost surely will from the start, and as those revelations emerge, we could see that 21% tank even more.

Obama couldn’t be bothered with bipartisan support.  At least in the early days of Obamacare proposals, the president put up a pretense of wanting bipartisan support.  Once it was clear Republicans wouldn’t vote for a vast and costly restructuring of the health care system, it was all Dems all the way.

Obama’s unwillingness to work with the other side hobbled the health care legislation from the start.  And most of its major problems can’t be fixed because Republicans, who always opposed it, want it repealed rather than repaired.

Obama took the same approach with the Iran nuclear deal.  Not one Republican supports it and most want to repeal it—and they may get their chance if a Republican takes the White House in January 2017.

We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.  That observation from House Minority Leader—“Minority” precisely because she rammed through Obamacare—Nancy Pelosi has become a quote for the ages.  Neither she nor her Democratic colleagues understood health insurance and how all of the changes they were making would interact, creating countless problems with rising premiums and canceled coverage for millions of Americans.  But did Obama and the Democrats learn from that fiasco?

Apparently not.  There are secret side deals (e.g., Iranians do their own inspections on military bases) that Obama and his spokespeople repeatedly denied were part of the Iranian agreement, until the deals were leaked and it became impossible to deny it anymore.

Had some Republicans not gotten wind of those agreements, we would have all found about what was in the deal after it “passed.”

Legislative tricks still rule the day. Obama and the Democrats had to contort legislative rules in order to claim that Obamacare passed Congress. They have done the same with the Iran deal.

The Iran agreement is a treaty and should have been put to a vote in the Senate with a two-thirds majority needed for passage—just as the Constitution says.  But Obama can’t be bothered by the Constitution. As Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “Because you can’t pass a treaty anymore.”

At first Obama wasn’t going to submit the agreement to Congress at all.  Then when he saw wide bipartisan support for the Corker-Cardin bill—the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act that gave Congress a vote, or at least was supposed to—he acquiesced.  But now he and the Democrats have blocked even that vote in the Senate so they can hopefully avoid voter backlash.

That may be a futile hope.  If Iran were to sit quietly by and abide by the terms of the agreement for the next year, Obama might get his wish.  That’s too much to expect from the mullahs.

Agreement in hand, Iran will likely begin doing whatever the leadership wants, secure in the knowledge that whatever they do, Obama will claim the agreement is a great success and working just like it should—just like Obamacare.

Democrats paid a huge political price for their Obamacare efforts in the 2010 election, and again in 2014.  If public support for the agreement remains in the 20% range, and if Iran’s leaders become even more aggressive in their actions and anti-American and anti-Israeli rhetoric, look for Democrats to pay an even bigger price in 2016.