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Five UK Headlines That Foretell ObamaCare's Future ... And Yours


I just spent a week in Wales for the BBC.  Near my hotel in Cardiff on Queen Street is a large statue of Aneurin Bevan, the Welsh-born Labor Party member of Parliament and founder of Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), the UK’s single-payer health care system.

While President Obama and liberals like filmmaker Michael Moore love the NHS, believing it provides better care for much less money than the U.S. health care system, it is riddled with problems.  Below I include five newspaper headlines that all appeared on ONE DAY—May 4.  They foretell the problems Americans will soon encounter—if they haven’t already—under Obamacare.

“‘Cover-up’ storm after 999 operator error delayed ambulance for dying asthma boy” (The Mail on Sunday): The article begins, “NHS bosses have been accused of trying to ‘cover up” a mistake that delayed paramedics delivering potentially life-saving treatment to an eight-year old boy who suffered a fatal asthma attack.”

The emergency operator, which is part of the NHS, allegedly failed to record the emergency call properly, and so the ambulance did not get to a boy suffering an asthma attack in time.  Now the boy’s family is alleging a cover-up of the failures.

You have already seen Obamacare defenders go into damage control after the disastrous website rollout, and now there are “cover-up” allegations over the Veterans Administration hiding the true waiting times for vets getting care.  It is endemic to government blunders; the guilty bureaucrats begin to deny, obfuscate and point fingers—in essence, cover up their failings.  The NHS is probably saying, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

“BMA says GP surgeries [i.e., clinics] are ‘bursting at the seams’ and under-resourced”(The Independent): In a single-payer health care system there is never enough money to go around.  According to the article: “[Prime Minister] David Cameron has pledged to make it easier for patients to get an appointment, and last month announced a £50m pilot that will see more than 1,000 practices move to seven-day working, with appointments available 8am till 8pm.”

But the British Medical Association (BMA) has doubts.  “Dr. Chaand Nagpaul, chair of the BMA’s General Practice Committee, said the Government was ‘making promises without having an honest discussion’ about the ‘chronic under-resourcing and pressures’ faced by GPs.”

Since Obamacare funnels trillions of tax dollars it doesn’t have into the health care system, expect federal resources to be cut back—in some cases they already have been—which will mean you will read more about U.S. doctors talking about “chronic under-resourcing.”

“Pay doctors extra to help the poor, say Lib Dems,” (The Independent): According to the article: “The Liberal Democrats [a political party] are considering offering GPs financial incentives to practice in impoverished areas that have few doctors’ surgeries [clinics].  The party is badly in need of populist policies to salvage its flagging general election prospects and it is felt this move could prove a vote winner.”

Hmmm.  A party in need of populist policies to help it at the polls?  Where have we heard that before?

It continues: “Health is proving to be a major battleground in the long build-up to next year’s national poll.  GP leaders claimed last week that 700,000 patients could lose their family doctor within months, as nearly 100 cash-starved surgeries face closure as a result of funding reforms.  Millions more patients would have to wait longer for their appointments.”

“Special measures for hospitals with ‘long history’ of problems” (The Mail on Sunday): It seems like instead of getting better care, as Obama promised, government-funded hospitals don’t have to be consumer-oriented like most businesses do, and so many of them are disdainful of the very patients the hospitals are there to serve.

“A hospital where blunders and bullying going back years were exposed by The Mail on Sunday has been placed on ‘special measures’ after a damning report by watchdogs.”

“Old should be denied cancer drugs” (The Sunday Times; this is the headline in the hard copy of the paper): Those of us fighting Obamacare warned of “death panels,” and Great Britain already has one, whose initials ironically are NICE.

The article says, “One of Britain’s top cancer doctors has called for expensive cancer drugs to be rationed for the frail elderly in favor of being given to younger patients.

“My view is that age should be taken into account when comparing the potential benefits of expensive treatments,” he said. “As technology improves, we simply can’t do everything for everybody.”

No, under the NHS you can’t do everything for everybody.  Given a single-payer health care system, when spending a dollar on Peter’s health means one dollar less to spend on Paul’s, rationing by age is a logical way to get the most bang for the buck.

We have never had to do that in the U.S., at least as part of government policy.  But given that Obamacare takes us much closer to the NHS model, expect to see a similar headline, along with the other four, in a newspaper near you.