Democrats keep pushing their “war on women” theme, which conveys the message that if it weren’t for President Obama and Democrats, women’s rights and opportunities would be trampled.
Well, meet four female GOP candidates who not only survived but thrived, without Obama’s help, in the quintessential male-dominated profession—the military.
Martha McSally
Colonel McSally, who is running for the House in Arizona’s 2nd congressional district, retired from the Air Force in 2010. She graduated from the Air Force Academy and then earned a master’s in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and a second master’s in strategic studies from the U.S. Air War College, graduating No. 1 in her class of 260.
McSally is a fighter pilot, which means that as an Air Force cadet her goal of “getting high” meant something entirely different than Columbia student “Barry” Obama’s.
She was the first woman to fly combat missions after the ban prohibiting women from being in combat was lifted. Her plane was the A-10 Warthog, and she was the first woman in U.S. history to become an A-10 instructor pilot.
Joni Ernst
Lt. Colonel Joni Ernst of the Iowa National Guard is running for the U.S. Senate. She has spent 21 years in the Guard and the Army Reserves.
Ernst was in Kuwait at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom and spent 14 months (2003-4) as a company commander managing logistics. She recently commanded the largest battalion in Iowa, 1,200 men and women, and had to take a couple of weeks off from her campaign in July for active duty training at Fort McCoy.
Not to be outdone, Obama also spent some time on U.S. bases in July while Ernst was serving at Fort McCoy. According to—which tracks the president’s many golf outings—the president played a round of golf at Andrews Air Force Base on July 5 and Fort Belvoir on July 21 and 28. Oh, and he worked in a non-base game on July 12 at the TPC Potomac Golf Club.
Wendy Rogers
Lt. Colonel Wendy Rogers, a fifth-generation military officer, has also retired. She’s running for Arizona’s 9th congressional district.
After obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s (later getting a second master’s in national security studies), she was commissioned in the Air Force. In 1981 she entered the pilot training program as one of the first 100 women pilots in the Air Force. She flew the C-141 military transport jet for several years, and then went to the Air Force Academy, spending part of her time as a T-41 flight instructor.
After retiring she and her husband started a home inspection business, where they have put seven full-time employees to work, which means she actually created jobs rather than just talking about it.
Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Miller-Meeks took a different military road. She joined the Army at the age of 18 and served 24 years in active duty and reserves, retiring as a lieutenant colonel. During part of that time she served as a nurse and then a physician—another historically male-dominated profession.
After retiring from the military, Dr. Miller-Meeks opened an ophthalmology clinic in Ottumwa, Iowa, where she’s running in the state’s 2nd congressional district.
She was the first female president of the Iowa Medical Society and she served for three years as director of the Iowa Department of Public Health.
The problem with the Democrats’ war-on-women scam is that it flies in the face of high-achieving women who have eagerly taken on the most challenging, even historically male-dominated, jobs and rose to the top. My guess is that the country would feel safer and more prosperous with these four military leaders in charge than the man who thinks they couldn’t achieve equality and success without his help.