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If Income Inequality Is Caused By The Lack Of Wealth, Then Help Workers Create Wealth

French economist Thomas Piketty wants to attack the issue of income inequality by redistributing the wealth of the highest earners.  Wouldn’t a better solution be to increase the wealth of the lowest earners?

In his widely discussed new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Piketty claims that the rich receive a rate of return on their wealth that’s higher than the global return on GDP, exacerbating income inequality over the long term.  He writes, “For example, if the top thousandth enjoy a 6 percent rate of return on their wealth, while global wealth grows only at 2 percent a year, then after thirty years the top thousandth’s share of global capital will have more than tripled.”

However, instead of taxing that success even more than we already do, which discourages capital development and investment, Washington can help lower- and middle-income workers acquire capital so they too can partake in those higher returns.

Conventional wisdom has it that a home—with a median sales price of about $290,000—is the average family’s biggest financial asset.  But about 35 percent of Americans don’t own a home, and about two-thirds of homeowners have a mortgage, so their home asset is usually less than its face value.

So what is the average American’s biggest asset? The value of his or her Social Security benefits.

Eugene Steuerle and Caleb Quakenbush of the Urban Institute publish an annual estimate of how much workers at different income levels and marriage status pay into Social Security and Medicare and how much they can expect to receive in benefits.

Their 2013 report estimates that a single male worker earning the average income of $44,800 (in 2013 dollars) turning 65 in 2015 can expect to receive $287,000 in Social Security benefits.  However, that worker paid in $337,000, for a net loss of about $50,000.  Both estimates assume a growth rate of 2 percent, which happens to match Piketty’s projection of long-term GDP growth.

That disparity between contributions and benefits declines significantly for women, who tend to live longer.  A single female worker would have paid in the same amount, $337,000, but could expect to receive $314,000.

Thus, Social Security is the average American’s greatest financial asset, even bigger than their home equity—if workers had a private property right to their contributions.  But the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that they don’t.  Congress can cut those benefits—as some members have proposed—or even (although very unlikely) eliminate them; and the only recourse Americans would have is at the polls.

But what if workers were able to put that same amount of money—their 12.4 percent Social Security (FICA) tax; $5,555 in Stererle’s example—into a personal retirement account that could be invested in broad-based equities?

Stock market guru Jeremy Siegel, author of Stocks for the Long Run, claims that since the market’s inception U.S. stocks’ average long-term real rate of return is about 7 percent.  Financial Advisor magazine estimates that the future long-term real rate of return for U.S. stocks is closer to 5 percent—but both are close to the 6 percent that Picketty only ascribes to the wealthiest.

Using an interest calculator, a $5,555 annual contribution over 40 years at 6 percent grows to about $970,000.  Factor in that wealth and income inequality largely evaporates.  People don’t have to be in that top thousandth percent of income to get excellent returns on their money and create real wealth.  All they need is a private property right to keep and invest what they are contributing to Social Security right now.

To be sure, there are financial challenges in transitioning to a system of personal accounts, not the least of which is how to cover the promised benefits of current retirees when workers redirect part or all of their FICA contributions to their personal accounts.  But there are equally great financial challenges with the status quo.

It’s time to re-embrace personal accounts.  Republicans have long supported transitioning from the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system to personal accounts.  But they have been quiet about that option since President George W. Bush made a half-hearted and unsuccessful effort to push them in 2005.

And if the left is really concerned about income inequality, the best way to end it is wealth creation, not redistribution.  Replacing Social Security’s financially struggling system with personal retirement accounts would create real wealth for millions of working Americans.