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IPI Congratulates Vishal Amin on IPEC Nomination

Institute for Policy Innovation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 15, 2017
CONTACT: Erin Humiston, (972) 874-5139, or

DALLAS— The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) congratulates Vishal Amin on his nomination by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to be the next U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, and urges the Senate to swiftly approve Amin’s nomination.
“We thank the Trump administration and the Senate Judiciary Committee for moving this important nomination,” said IPI president Tom Giovanetti. “We trust Mr. Amin’s confirmation can move in a prompt, bipartisan fashion through the full U.S. Senate to ensure the important work of defending America’s IP protection regime is not delayed.”
“Property rights, including intellectual property rights, are the foundation of a functioning market economy,” said Giovanetti. “And in an information economy, intellectual property rights are both more important than ever and also under greater threat than ever before.”
“The United States is globally dominant in the creativity and innovation sectors, but in a competitive global economy, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels, much less undermine our own IP system through lack of enforcement, counterproductive court decisions, and ineffective trade policies," he said.
“We commend the Trump administration for its efforts to foster strong intellectual property protection regimes, both domestically and internationally, and to expand and enhance the coordination and enforcement function of all relevant agencies of the U.S. government,” Giovanetti said. “As the administration works toward strengthening existing trade agreements and negotiating new, stronger agreements, the office of the IPEC is even more important to accomplish the kind of IP protection regime necessary to maintain America’s economic competitiveness in the Information Age.”
“The Institute for Policy Innovation is delighted to work with the IPEC to accomplish the kind of IP protection regime that is necessary to maintain America’s economic competitiveness in the Information Age.”