If you have an interest in the protection of intellectual property, you need to know about a new source for the most current and accurate information on that topic. It is our newly launched www.ipblog.org.
IPBlog is not the only blog on intellectual property, we know, and it's not even the only one from a free-market perspective. But we know we have compelling content and commentary to share, and we hope you'll join us.
IPBlog isn't about technical IP issues. It's about IP policy, both in the U.S. and abroad. In our first few weeks we've been focusing on WIPO and the proposed development agenda, and the politics behind it. We've been firsthand observers at WIPO, and the best place to get a feel for what is going on there right now is probably IPBlog.
IPBlog will have several regular contributors, and we'll host a vibrant discussion through comments. If you'd like to become a contributor, let us know. We're also happy to have your suggestions for content, if you come across something of interest.
And we're interested in your feedback and suggestions. We will be expanding and improving both the design of the site and its content on an almost daily basis.
Hope you can join the discussion at IPBlog.org, hosted by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI).