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Is Congress Going to the Dogs? We Can Hope!

What we need is some “Red Dog Republicans”!

When Congress reconvenes in January, Democrats will be in the majority in both the House and Senate.

There has been a great deal of discussion about how far to the left the incoming Democrats will take the country. One restraining factor will likely be the 44 Blue Dog Democrats.

Blue Dogs have been around for years and have played an important fiscal role, especially when Democrats last ran Congresses, before Republicans took the majority in 1994. They tend to be much more conservative than mainstream Democrats and help keep their party—and the country—more fiscally responsible.

The Democratic leadership knows the Blue Dogs are willing to break with the party line if it goes too far off the reservation. And so the leadership has to cater to them, at least to some extent.

Maybe its time that a group of dedicated, fiscally conservative Republicans who are committed to smaller government and pro-growth economic policies also take a united and public stand against the big spenders—in both parties.

What we’re talking about is Red Dog Republicans.

Of course, a number of Republicans are already committed to a Red Dog vision. Over the past six years, they have taken a strong and public stand against big-government conservatism—trying to fight expansive new programs, big spending bills with countless earmarks, and avoiding the we’re-in-power-so-we-can-do-what-we-want mentality.

And they often got their hands spanked for doing so.

But the world changed on election day. The public sent a loud-and-clear message that Republicans had not lived up to their principles and promises. And yet the 35 incumbent Blue Dogs all won re-election, and nine more were added to their number.

Now is the time for those Republicans committed to conservative fiscal policies to unite, and solicit the aid of the Blue Dogs, in an effort to force pro-growth policies and fiscal responsibility.

In short, Congress needs to go to the Dogs.