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Medical Miracles Aren't Cheap

Not all medical miracles are treated equally, a fact that may become apparent as 25,000 cancer specialists meet in Chicago this week for the annual meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A likely topic will be the price of new cancer-fighting drugs, a heated debate that’s become even hotter because of an online editorial in the medical journal Blood.  But those cost concerns, while real, are not equally applied to all medical innovations.

A recent national radio talk show focused on cutting-edge innovations in prosthetic limbs—that is, arm and leg replacements for amputees.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have left thousands of our wounded warriors needing new limbs.  Engineers, scientists and the medical community have stepped up to meet the challenge of creating a new generation of prosthetic limbs that function remarkably like what they replaced, even using brain impulses to move the limbs.

The talk show host asked if one of the new limbs being discussed would cost $100,000.  A company representative said he hoped less, but the host’s guess was in the ballpark.

A 2012 study from the Worchester Polytechnic Institute explains, “After interviewing prosthetists we found that microprocessor knees can cost anywhere from $33,000-$80,000 and robotic upper limb prosthetics can cost anywhere from $20,000-$120,000.”

Of course, what we might call the “old technology” in prosthetics is much less expensive, perhaps $3,000 to $5,000.  But no one argues that these older limbs are as functional, and may even lead to other physical problems because of issues like an uneven gate in the walk.

Although health insurers may balk at the high prices, the public seems supportive, both because there is a “cool factor” involved with robotic technology, and because everyone, including the medical community, wants to support wounded vets.

But another medical miracle, the newest cancer-fighting drugs, often receive a decidedly more mixed reception—even though the parallels between cutting-edge prosthetics and cancer drugs are numerous.

Like the next-generation prosthetic limbs, the next-generation cancer-fighting drugs take years to develop and test, at a cost of millions of dollars—hundreds of millions for pharmaceuticals.  Like prosthetics, a relatively small number of people benefit from the drugs, which makes the per-user cost much higher.  Both innovations can dramatically improve a patient’s quality of life.  And both are expensive; the newest cancer drugs can cost about what a high-end robotic prosthetic costs.

Finally, like most technological innovations, the cost is in developing the first copy; manufacturers then pay for the next-generation product out of proceeds from sales of the current generation.

The biggest difference seems to be that people rave about the cutting-edge prosthetics regardless of the price, but constantly complain about the price of cancer drugs.  A small dose of an anti-cancer drug just doesn’t look as innovative as a robotic prosthetic limb, even if it is.

Indeed, given all the flack they receive, it’s a wonder drug manufacturers don’t find something else to do.  For the past decade critics berated them for focusing on making “lifestyle drugs” (e.g., Viagra) because of their widespread use and profitability.  Critics wondered why those companies didn’t spend their time and money inventing new drugs that could cure some of the biggest threats to mankind, like cancer.

But let the innovator drug manufacturers focus their time and money on helping cancer patients, and the critics complain that they charge too much.

The Blood article raises the philosophical question of a “just price.”  When I taught college philosophy, the class would sometimes debate just such an issue.  A number of students would assert what they “felt” was a fair price for some product, based on what they were willing to pay, rather than facts.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical manufacturers cannot be so random.  They must pay for the research and development, scientific experts, and regulatory compliance—no small matter these days.  And if they are fortunate enough to have found a new drug that performs as hoped—and with the anti-cancer drug Gleevec, it performed much better than anticipated—they have to package, market, ship, and monitor the supply chain until the drug gets to its intended destination.

If critics really believe some companies are making outsized profits, they are free to find the investors and create their own product that achieves the same goal.  There won’t be many takers.

Medical miracles are expensive to produce.  Yes, we can reduce the price, but we’ll also reduce the miracles.  And the cost of miracles never developed is more than high—it’s incalculable.