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Obama Should Leave The Minimum Wage Issue To States And Cities

In his State of the Union address, President Obama praised the states for acting ahead of Congress and raising the minimum wage higher than the current federal rate.

But the president couldn’t stop there; he wants Congress to give the country a raise.  That’s bad economics, bad policy and bad federalism.  If there is going to be a minimum wage increase, then states and cities ought to set it.

Democrats are turning more populist as a way to change the subject from Obamacare’s disastrous roll out and the stagnating wages and slow economic growth that are a direct result of the president’s economic policies.

And high on that populist agenda is increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10.  Only last year Obama was asking for an increase to $9.00.  So don’t be surprised if the Democratic minimum-wage bidding war soon embraces union efforts to raise it to $15.00.

The minimum wage has been with us since 1938, when it was included in President Roosevelt’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled an earlier provision unconstitutional, but in United States v. Darby (1941) the Court embraced a very expansive reading of the Commerce Clause and upheld the FLSA unanimously.

Most economists have long recognized that the minimum wage is terrible economic policy because (1) it prices the least-skilled workers, who tend disproportionately to be minorities, out of a job and (2) it imposes price controls on one of the most important factors of production, labor.  And yet recently some economists have abandoned one of the most basic rules of economics: prices matter.

Employers are consumers of labor.  If workers are willing to take X for their labor, employers will hire them; if the government forces employers to pay 2X, they may take a pass or consider other options, like new technology.  And if people will work for ½X, employers might go on a hiring binge.

However, the negative impact varies for different employers, different industries, different states and even cities.  What employers can and will pay for workers in California, and especially high-cost San Francisco, may be much more than a similar employer will pay in Mississippi.  And what an employer will pay for engineers in the low-unemployment tech industry will be higher than want a small hamburger-stand owner will pay for counter help.

So why have a national minimum wage that imposes the same price floor on every state and region?  If there is going to be a minimum wage, why not let states decide?

In fact, the states are already doing just that.  According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 21 states have set the minimum wage higher than the federal law.  Eleven of those states’ minimum wage is somewhere below $8.00 an hour; 8 place their wage between $8.00 and $9.00, and Washington state and now Oregon are above $9.00.

Even cities are jumping on the bandwagon.  The most recent is the small Washington town of SeaTac, near the Seattle airport, which raised the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour for specified service-based companies.  Albuquerque passed an increase to $8.50 in 2012.  Last year the District of Columbia passed a minimum wage increase to $11.50, to begin in 2016.  And two Maryland countries passed the same increase, to being in 2017.

The irony is that a nationwide minimum wage is likely to be either ineffective or very damaging, depending on where a person lives and the job being sought.

A federal minimum wage set high enough to help people in high-cost states would be so high that it would have a big negative impact on low-skilled workers in the low-cost states.  Conversely, a minimum wage set low enough to not be detrimental to workers in low-cost states would do little for those in the high-cost states, because so many already make that much or more.

States are reasserting their power and independence in a number of areas such as gay marriage, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, the sale and use of marijuana, and tort reform.  Congress should stay out of the minimum wage fight and let the states decide if they want to make that move.