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Obamacare Has A Honey Pot To Buy Insurance Company Support, And Obama Will Need It

After his Obamacare apology tour press conference last Thursday, President Obama summoned 15 insurance company executives to the White House the next day hoping to persuade them to pick up the pieces of his tattered health care law that just a month ago he claimed was good insurance (it was just the website that was a problem, you see).

Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is the agency responsible for implementing both the website and Obamacare, released a letter to all 50 of the state insurance commissioners, who oversee insurance within their respective state, explaining in a little more detail (just over two pages) what the president really meant. (Washington, DC, had a commissioner, but he was fired within 24 hours of criticizing the president’s proposal.)

The most interesting part of the letter is the last paragraph, which essentially says, “Stick with us here and we’ll be funneling you the big bucks.”

“Though this transitional policy was not anticipated by health insurance issuers when setting rates for 2014, the risk corridor program should help ameliorate unanticipated changes in premium revenue.  We intend to explore ways to modify the risk corridor program final rules to provide additional assistance,” HHS wrote.

Now let me tell you what that means.

The “transitional policy” is a euphemism for the president telling insurers he will unilaterally (and perhaps illegally) put part of the health care law on hold so insurers can stop canceling policies that do not comply with Obamacare mandates.

Everyone paying attention knows by now—and that includes, finally, the president—that when you force health insurers selling to individuals (i.e., non-group coverage) to accept anyone who applies regardless of a major preexisting condition, there is a strong chance that a disproportionately large number of older and sicker people will sign up.  That’s called “adverse selection.”

With too many sick people in the pool, premiums go up, which drives the pool’s  healthier people to drop out, making the pool smaller, sicker and even more expensive, whereupon the process is repeated.  That’s the “death spiral” so many are now talking about.  Without young, healthy people in the pool it becomes too expensive for the insured and unprofitable for insurers.

However, Obamacare includes a “risk adjustment mechanism” meant to soften that blow.

A risk adjuster exists to take money from health insurance companies that are doing well and hand it over to those that aren’t.  Or what we have come to know in the Age of Obama as “shared sacrifice.”

Bureaucrats will monitor the health status of people in the exchanges, try to determine if a health insurer has too many healthy people, and if so, they will take money from that insurer and give it to insurers with too many sick people.

In its final rule on the risk adjustment mechanism, HHS says it:

  • Provides payments to health insurance issuers that disproportionately attract higher-risk populations (such as individuals with chronic conditions).
  • Transfers funds from plans with relatively lower risk enrollees to plans with relatively higher risk enrollees to protect against adverse selection.

During the 1990s health economists discussed whether a fair risk adjuster could even be created.  What if a health insurer is spending less on chronic medical conditions because it’s more efficient or better at managing care?  And maybe the insurer with higher expenses is doing a terrible job managing sick patients.  Yet the government could force efficient insurers to subsidize inefficient ones.

It’s true that both Medicare Advantage and the Part D drug program have a risk adjustor.  But, as many actuaries have explained on several occasions, Obamacare’s risk adjustor is significantly more complicated than anything that has ever been tried.  Much like, say, Obamacare’s website.  What could possibly go wrong?

ncidentally, the only way the government can identify the higher-cost patients in order to cross-subsidize insurers is to monitor everyone’s health status.

How much money are we talking about Uncle Sugar handing out?  The HHS guideline says $10 billion in 2014, $6 billion in 2015 and $4 billion in 2016.  But it also says the U.S. Treasury can hand out $2 billion in both 2014 and 2015, and $1 billion in 2016.

Hey, a $25 billion honey pot ought to buy a whole lot of health insurance company love.  And notice the last sentence in that HHS statement: “We intend to explore ways to modify the risk corridor program final rules to provide additional assistance.”

Sounds like HHS plans to open up the money spigots if that’s what it takes to get the insurers on board in a last ditch effort to make the president’s health care law work.